

作者:謝麗鳳林佳靜 引用關係賴裕和鄒宗山
作者(外文):Hsieh, li-fengLin, Chia-chinLai, Yeur-hurTsou, Tsung-shan
主題關鍵詞:家屬止痛劑的擔心癌症病人疼痛控制CaregiversConcerns about using analgesicsCancer patientCancer pain management
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     本研究的目的在瞭解家屬對止痛劑的擔心與癌症病人疼痛控制之相關性,採描述 相關性之研究設計,以簡明疼痛評估及止痛劑擔心等結構式問卷收集 52 位癌症疼痛病人及 其家屬的資料,採描述性統計及無母數統計法分析之。研究發現家屬評估病人過去 24 小時 最劇烈的疼痛低於病人的疼痛情形,家屬對止痛劑的擔心中以疾病惡化的擔心最高,而以時 間間隔、耐藥性及成癮性等擔心為次之。在過去一個月中有猶豫給藥的家屬佔 32.7 %( n = 17 ),其中猶豫給藥者在 " 成癮性 " 的擔心高於未猶豫給藥者。猶豫報告疼痛的家屬 佔 28.8 %( n = 15 ), 其中在猶豫報告疼痛者於宿命論、副作用、成癮性、分散醫師 治療疾病的注意力及耐藥性等五項擔心程度高於未猶豫報告疼痛者,達顯著性差異。此研究 發現可作為家屬及病人居家疼痛控制考慮的因素,而進一步的改善病人的疼痛控制。
     The purpose of this study was to explore the possible association between the caregiver's concerns about using analgesics and the patient's pain management. This is a descriptive correlational study. Structured questionnaires were used to interview 52 Taiwanese cancer patients and their families. This study revealed that the worst pain level assessed by the caregiver within 24 hours before completing the questionnaires was significantly lower than that reported by patients. The highest scores of caregivers' concerns were "disease progression", "time interval", "tolerance", and "addiction." Seventeen caregivers (32.7%) reported that they had hesitated to give medication to their patient in the past month. These caregivers had significantly higher scores on "fear of tolerance." Fifteen caregivers (28.8%) reported that they had hestitated to report pain in the past month. These caregivers had significantly higher scores on "fear of addiction", "fatalism", "side effects", "distracting physicians", and "tolerance." We suggested that in order to achieve optimal pain management for cancer patients, one should consider the education of patients as well as caregivers.
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