

作者(外文):Ko, Yi-li
主題關鍵詞:父母親壓力新生兒加護病房ParentsStressThe Neonatal Intensive Care UnitNICU
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     本研究目的在探討:( 1 )父母親在新生兒加護病房中所感受的壓力;( 2 ) 比較父親和母親壓力之異同;( 3 )壓力和焦慮情境、焦慮特質之相關性。 以問卷調查法 收集資料,樣本為臺北某醫學中心新生兒加護病房中的 30 位父母親。所得之資料以平均值 Pearson 相關,t 檢定進行分析,結果發現父母在新生兒加護病房中感受的壓力有四種,依 序為:「對病嬰外觀和行為的知覺而引發的壓力感」、「父母親角色的改變而引發的壓力感 」、「加護病房中視聽覺刺激而引發的壓力感」及「與工作人員的溝通而引發的壓力感」。 壓力中「因父母親角色改變而引發之壓力」,母親所感受的壓力程度顯著大於父親。父母親 的焦慮特質和其感受父母親角色改變而引發之壓力有顯著正相關。根據以上研究結果,本文 亦提出相關的護理建議。
     The purposes of the study were to :(1) investigate NICU stress perceived by parents, (2)compare NICU stress between fathers and mothers, and (3) investigate the relationship between stress and state trait anxiety of NICU parents. A descriptive, correlative research design was used to analyze data. The sample comprised 30 NICU (level Ⅲ ) parents in a medical center in Taipei. The result indicated that the rank of stress for the NICU parents was as follows: "infant's appearance and behavior", "parental role alteration", "sights and sounds in the unit", and "staff behaviors and communication". Mothers had significantly higher stree than fathers on "parental role alteration". A significantly positive relationship was found between parental role change and trait anxiety. This study also provides suggestions for nursing practice.
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