

作者(外文):Yu, Su-janeLiu, Po-erhChen, Show-zon
主題關鍵詞:脊髓前角細胞冗肉萎縮壓力源因應行為Spinal anterior horn cell muscular dystrophyStressorCopying behavior
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     This study is to probe into the stressor and copying behavior of the mother who has a infantile spinal anterior horn cell muscular dystrophy baby while in the period of illness and after baby died. In care of the sick baby , talked with the mother freely and result of observation by auther could be presented in 18 chapters via demonstrated record of behaviored course; and conclued with content analysis. The result were : 「The stress of mother : the shock of illness; the stress of long-term homecare; the stress of tranditional concept of the etiologies of illness. The copying behavior inculode : the copying behavior in the center of mood : deny、 guilty、sadness、 anxiety and depression. the copying behavior in the center of recognition : comparison、 confirmation、rationalization and the copying behavior in the center of solved problems : change the ability of itself、faced and enhanced itself、the bearing plan in the future、to look for the support of belief、change the surrounding enviroment. In the whole nursing course, the auther active to knew the stressor and mood of the sick baby's mother, and to provide professional、personal nursing to help this mother to achive successful adjustment. 」
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