

作者:豐東洋 引用關係林曼蕙 引用關係陳俊忠
作者(外文):Fong, Dong-yangLing, Mon-hueiChen, Jin-jong
主題關鍵詞:低氧認知訊息處理事象關連電位CognitiveInformation processingERPHypoxia
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     本研究應用醫學上用於診斷腦部認知功能損傷之事象關連電位(eventrelated potential, ERP),在模擬的低氧環境中進行測試, 以瞭解長期在高地進行登山運動時「低 氧」環境對人體腦部認知功能影響的情形。 10 名實驗組登山隊員及 10 名控制組的受試者 接受常壓常氧 (20.94%)、16%、13% 及 10% 濃度的急性常壓低氧處理後, 進行聽覺事象關 連電位的測試。 實驗結果顯示:1. 實驗組 ERP 之 N100 振輻,隨氧飽和濃度降低,有逐漸 增加的趨勢,顯示長期處於低氧環境會影響登山隊員訊息處理過程中注意力的功能表現;而 N100 延遲時間則隨氧飽和濃度降低逐漸減少。控制組在此二變項中均無明顯趨勢。2. 控制 組 ERP 之 P300 振幅會隨氧飽和濃度降低逐漸減少,且在 10% 氧濃度時與常氧的表現差異 達顯著 (P<.05),而 P300 延遲時間則隨氧飽和濃度降低而增加;實驗組在此二變項中均無 明顯趨勢。 3. 控制組與實驗組之 ERP 測試中,P300 之振幅及延遲時間成分在常氧時差異 達顯著 (P <.05),顯示實驗組登山隊員的評量功能受到低氧干擾, 而對其功能表現產生負 面的影響。根據實驗結果說明了:長期高地低氧環境暴露會影響「注意力」的功能表現,並 延緩訊息處理過程中「刺激評量」的階段。
     The effects of normobaric hypoxia on cognitive processing in humans were study by recording audio event-related potential (ERP) to diagnose possible damage of brain. This study applied the method to explain the cognitive function of Everest climbers under various simulated high altitude that include sea level 、 2000m、 3000m、 and 5500m.Ten Everest climbers (experimental group) and ten make subjects (control group) were recruited. Four different oxygen concentrations: 20.9 %、16%、13%and 10% were chosen to demonstrate the hypoxic effects on human. The results revealed that:1.In experimental group, there was an increase in N100 amplitude component of ERP which was attributed to an accompanying decrease in SaO2, and there was a decrease in N100 latency component which was attributed to an accompanying decrease in SaO2; control group had no evident trend in these two components. 2.In control group, in P300 amplitude between 10% oxygen concentration and sea level there was a significance difference (P<.05), and there was an increase in P300 latency component which was attributed to an accompanying decrease in SaO2; exprimental group had no evident trend in these two components. 3.there was a difference between experimental group and control group in P300 components (P<.05). The results indicated that ERP could be used to detect the effects of hypoxia on the cognitive function after long-term hypoxic exposure. Hypoxia may be affected the function of attention and delay the evaluation step of information processing.
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