

作者:詹家昌 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:固守職位投資決策EntrenchmentInvestment decisions
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1.Lieberson, S.、O'Connor, J. F.(1972)。Leadership and Organizational Performance: A Study of Large Corporations。American Sociological Review,37,117-130。  new window
2.Walsh, James P.、Seward, James K.(1990)。On the Efficiency of Internal and External Corporate Control Mechanisms。Academy of Management Review,15(3),421-458。  new window
3.Staw, B. M.、McKechnie, P. I.、Puffer, S. M.(1983)。The justification of organizational performance。Administrative Science Quarterly,28,582-600。  new window
4.Bebchuk, Lucian A.、Stole, Lars A.(1993)。Do Short-Term Objectives Lead to Under or Overinvestment in Long-Term Projects?。Journal of Finance,48(2),719-729。  new window
5.Salancik, G. R.、Meindl, J. R.(1984)。Corporate Attributions as Strategic Illusions of Management Control。Administrative Science Quarterly,29,238-254。  new window
6.詹家昌、劉維琪、吳欽杉(19961200)。經理人固守職位、聲譽與內部報告。交大管理學報,16(2),113-138。new window  延伸查詢new window
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8.Alderfer, Clayton P.(1986)。The Invisible Director on Corporate Boards。Harvard Business Review,64,38-52。  new window
9.詹家昌、劉維琪、吳欽杉(19990900)。經理人固守職位與資本結構。輔仁管理評論,6(2),47-69。new window  延伸查詢new window
10.詹家昌、劉維琪、吳欽杉(1998)。經理人固守職位、股權與短視投資。管理與系統,5(1),33-58。  延伸查詢new window
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17.Hastie, R.(1984)。Causes and Effects of Causal Attribution。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,46(1),44-56。  new window
18.Scharfstein, D.(1988)。The Disciplinary Role of Takeovers。Review of Economic Studies,55,185-200。  new window
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21.Shleifer, Andrei、Vishny, Robert W.(1986)。Large shareholders and corporate control。Journal of Political Economy,94(3 Part 1),461-488。  new window
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23.Jensen, Michael C.、Ruback, Richard S.(1983)。The market for corporate control: The scientific evidence。Journal of Financial Economics,11(1-4),5-50。  new window
24.詹家昌、劉維琪、吳欽杉(19971000)。風險、固守職位與經理人契約。企業管理學報,41,33-58。new window  延伸查詢new window
25.Fama, Eugene F.、Jensen, Michael C.(1983)。Agency Problems and Residual Claims。The Journal of Law and Economics,26(2),327-349。  new window
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