

作者:黃國平 引用關係賴文泰 引用關係
作者(外文):Hwang, Kuo-pingLai, Wen-tai
主題關鍵詞:停車場出入口網路設計路網績效Entrance/exitNetwork designNetwork performance
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     停車場出入口設置路段之選擇關鍵性地影響鄰近交通之順暢, 然現今因缺乏一 適當工具之輔助,故大多僅賴規劃師以主觀方式進行選擇。本文利用路徑選擇模式之概念, 構建停車場出入口設置路段選擇之網路設計模式,並具體以變動不等式方法求解,模式運算 之結果,除可提供路網總旅行時間最小下,最適之出入口設置路段外,尚能分析停車場設置 後鄰近道路服務績效之變化情形,及相關管制策略之實施績效。期透過此模式之建立,提供 一有效之分析工具,供實務規到停車場出入口之參考。文中首先評析傳統規劃方式之缺失, 按著探討模式構建之相關理論,再提出本文所構建之網路設計模式及求解方法,最後以實驗 路網進行測試,並說明可應用之範疇。
     The entrance/exit locations of a large parking garage will largely affect the traffic flow operations on adjacent streets. In the past, the selection of entrance/exit locations has relied on the subjective judgment of the designers. No planning tool is available to assist the designers in this process. The objective of this research is to develop a model for selecting entrance/exit locations based on the minimum travel time of network. The model may be used for evaluating traffic impact brought about by the parking garage, as well as various traffic management countermeasures for alleviating the impacts. It may be used as an effective planning tool for parking garage planning and design. In this paper, the past approaches for selecting entrance/exit locations are reviewed. Relevant theories and techniques for model formulation are explored, and the proposed methodology described. A case study will be conducted for testing the validity and reliability of the proposed model.
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