

作者(外文):Shiau Hwang, Shiow-Hwa
主題關鍵詞:袋鼠護理睡眠隨機控制試驗Kangaroo careCryingSleepRandomized controlled trial
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     在新生兒適應子宮外生活期間,預防其哭泣及使其睡眠達到較佳的狀 態,對其日後的發展是很重要的。本研究係一實驗法之隨機控制試驗(randomized controlled trial),共有44對母兒參與。研究的目的是要瞭解袋鼠護理對新生兒出生 後第一天、第二天、第三天及三天內之睡眠狀態與哭之影響。本研究使用的測量 方法是依據安德森行為狀態量表(Anderson Behavioral State Scale)中對睡眠、哭泣、 及清醒之定義,於新生兒出生後4小時,每小時觀察及記錄新生兒之行為狀態, 每天觀察24小時,共持續三天。研究結果發現,一般護理組和袋鼠護理組之 坽 哭泣行為次數,除第三天外,在第一天、第二天、及三天內總和,袋鼠護理組的 新生兒有顯著的減少。夌睡眠行為,在第一天、第二天、第三天、及三天內總和, 袋鼠護理組的新生兒有顯著的增加。奅清醒狀態,除在第一天和第二天外,在第 三天、及三天內總和,袋鼠護理組的新生兒有顯著的減少。本研究結果可證實袋 鼠護理對新生兒哭泣及使其睡眠達到較佳狀態有其效果,此護理方法是值得醫護 人員在臨床上加以推廣,使新生兒得到更佳的照護。
     During the period of extrauterine adaptation, reducing neonates' crying and improving their sleep status are very important to the infant's later development. An experimental design was used in this randomized controlled trial (RCT) to test the effects of kangaroo care (KC) on infant's sleep and crying during Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and within these 3 days after delivery. The sample consisted of 44 mother-infant dyads. The Anderson Behavioral State Scale was used to measure sleep, crying and wakefulness. These behaviors were observed and recorded once every hour 24 hours daily for 3 consecutive days after delivery. The results showed: 坽a significant decrease in infant crying behavior for the KC neonates during Day 1, Day 2, and within 3 days; 夌a significant increase in infant sleep for the KC neonates during Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and within 3 days; 奅a significant decrease in infant wakefulness for the KC neonates during Day 3 and within 3 days. These results demonstrate the positive effects of the kangaroo method of care on crying and sleep. It is recommended that kangaroo care be incorporated into standard care in order to improve neonate care.
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