

作者(外文):Lin, Ching-fen
主題關鍵詞:鄭振鐸整理國故玄覽堂叢書十竹齋箋譜北平箋譜世界文庫明季史料叢書Cheng chen-tuoRestoring national heritageThe deciphering hall seriesCompendium of letters formats of the ten bamboos studioCompendium of letters formats of pekingThe collection of world famous worksSeries of late-ming historical materials
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  鄭振鐸對於我簡新文化運動的發展有其重要的地位,他在文化上的活動與貢獻是多方面的。除了是有名的藏書家,為國家搜羅孤本珍籍外,無論在版本圖籍、版畫藝街、文物鑑定、歷史考古、古典文學和戲曲,或者現代文學等方面,他都有傑出的成績。而對於中國文化遺產的整理與刊印上,他更是不遺餘力。   1919年,胡適撰寫〈新思潮的意義〉乙文,將「整理國故」列為新文化運動的四項綱領之一,並獲得北大同人熱烈響應,「整理國故」迅即成為一句學術新口號,就在數年之間,「整理國故」更以新一波學術文化運動的形式席捲全國。而鄭振鐸亦主張在新文學運動的熱潮裏,應有「整理國故」的一種舉動,要重新佑定或發現中國文學的價值。抗戰前後,他身體力行,逐漸將其文化志業,轉向編著文學史、「整理國故」、搜購古籍及學術論著方面。   在「整理國故」及文學研究方面,鄭振鐸是抱持著「不薄今人愛古人」及「狂臚文獻耗中年」的態度。他先是為國家拾購了珍貴的文化遺產《脈望館抄校本古今年雜劇》,接著,在抗戰最艱苦的時候,與「文獻保存同志會」的其他成員,成功地為國家搜購大量珍貴的古籍,造就今日國家圖書館善本古籍的珍藏。此外,在商務印書館豐富的編緝經歷、強烈的文化使命感,及勤奮的工作精神,使他大量且幾乎是獨力完成許多編輯及刊印古籍的工作:如編印刊行《北平箋譜》、《十竹齋箋譜》、《中國版畫史圖錄》、《韞輝齋藏唐宋以來名畫集》、《域外所藏中國古畫集》、《清人雜劇初集》、《清人雜劇二集》、《長樂鄭氏匯印傳奇第一集》、《玄覽堂叢書》、《世界文庫》、《明季史料叢書》、《中國歷史參考圖譜》、《晚清文選》等等,皆是不易之事。而最能彰顯出他藏書家的特色的則是在題跋、書話、書目的編撰上,如《西諦所藏善本戲曲目錄》、《西諦所藏散曲目錄》、《劫中得書記》、《求書日錄》、《西諦書目》、《西諦書話》等等,皆是他訪書、購書、讀書的心得。他會化名為「紉秋山館主人」撰寫〈《明季史料叢書》序〉,強調「史不亡則其民族亦終不可亡」的觀念。郭沫若在《中國歷史參考圖譜》乙書出版時,讚揚道:這是應該國家做的工作,而鄭先生以一人,乏力要把它完成,每一中國人,凡有力量的都應該贊助他這一工作。」可見鄭振鐸對「整理國故」與刊印古籍工作,用力整勤與貢獻之卓著。
  Cheng Chen-tuo has an important status in the development of the New Cultural Movement in China, and his cultural activities and contributions are many and various. Being a famous collector of books ferreting out rare and precious old books for the nation, he also made outstanding contributions in the fields of editions of books, art of block prints, evaluation of artifacts, historical archeology, classical literature and drama and music, as well as in modern literature. Moreover, he reserved no efforts in the restoration and publication of national cultural heritage.   In 1919, when he wrote his "The Meaning of New Thought", Hu Shih listed 'restoration of national heritage' as one of the four programs of the New Cultural Movement, to which his colleagues at National Peking University responded with enthusiasm, and the 'restoration of national heritage' soon become a new academic slogan. Within just a few years, this had assumed a new form of academic cultural 'movement' enveloping the whole nation. In response to Hu Shih, Cheng Chen-tuo also held that in the high tides of the new literary movement, there should be an action to restore national heritage, and a reevaluation or rediscovery of the value of Chinese literature. After the War of Resistance against Japan, he put this view into practice. and gradually shifted his cultural devotion to such aspects as editing history of literature, restoring national heritage, looking for and buying old books as well as academic writing.   With respect to restoring national heritage and literary research, Cheng Chentuo adopted a two-pronged attitude that "there should be no dislike of the present nor a fondness of the old" and "the middle age is to be devoted to written materials". He firstly snapped up for the nation a precious cultural heritage entitled Classical and Contemporary Miscella/leous Dramatic Scores as copied and edited by the Mai-wang House, and then in the most difficult years of the War of Resistance, together with other members. of the Documents Preservation Federation, he succeeded in purchasing for the nation large number of precious classical books, which now form part of the precious collection of old and well-preserved classical books at the National Central Library. Besides, on the basis of his rich editing experience gained at the Commercial Press, his strong sense of cultural mission, and his diligent working spirit, he was able to execute a large number of undertakings---and many of which were almost single-handedly by himself alone---for editing and publishing old books. These include Compendium of Letter Formats of Peking, Compendium of Letter Formats of the Ten Bamboos Studio, Pictorial Record of China's Block Printing History, TheYun-hui Studio's Collection of Famous Pictures since the Tang and Sung Dynasties, Collection of Old Chinese Pictures kept in Foreign Counties, First Collection of Miscellaneous Dramatic Scores by Ch'ing People, Second Collection of Miscellaneous Dramas by Ch'ing People, First Collection of Romance as compiled and printed by the Chengs of Chang-le, The Deciphering Reading Hall's Series, the Collection of World Famous Works, Series. of Late-Ming Historical Materials, Pictorial Reference for Chinese History, Literary Selections from Late-Ch'ing, etc., all of these undertakings were not easy tasks. Those that most capable of illustrating his caliber as a collector of books lay in his editing and writing of introductions to, and discussions of collections, books and bibliographies, as found in Si-ti's Bibliography of Well-preserved Texts of Dramatic Scores, Siti's Bibliography of Exant Verses, Account of Acquiring Books under Threats of Disasters, Dairy on Looking for Books, Si-ti's Bibilography, Si-ti's Talks about Books, etc., all these are concerned with findings about looking for and purchasing as well as reading of books. He once used the pen name 'the owner of the Zen-chiu Mount' in his preface to Series of Late-Ming Historical Materials, in which he put forward the view that "as long as history does not perish, a nation will after all not vanish" At the publication of Pictorial Reference for Chinese History, Kuo Mojo praised it with the following words: "This is a task that the nation should do, but Mr. Cheng himself is determined to have it carried out alone. Every Chinese having any capacity should help do this undertaking:' From this it may be glimpsed Cheng Chen-tuo's utmost diligence in, and distinguished contribution to restoring national heritage and publishing old books.
1.鄭振鐸(1985)。《中國版畫史圖錄》自序,北京。  延伸查詢new window
2.鄭振鐸(1982)。《劫中得書記》新序,臺北。  延伸查詢new window
1.林清芬(19980600)。國立中央圖書館與「文獻保存同志會」。國家圖書館館刊,87(1),1-22。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.胡適(1923)。發刊宣言。國學季刊,1(1),1-8。  延伸查詢new window
3.胡適(1921)。研究國故的方法。東方雜誌,18(16)。  延伸查詢new window
4.毛子水(1919)。國故與科學的精神。新潮雜誌,1(5)。  延伸查詢new window
5.傅斯年(1919)。附識。新潮雜誌,1(5)。  延伸查詢new window
6.胡適(1919)。新思潮的意義。新青年,7(1),5-12。  延伸查詢new window
7.李孝悌(1985)。胡適與整理國故─兼論胡適對中國傳統的態度。食貨月刊,15(5)/15(6),237。  延伸查詢new window
8.陳獨秀(1921)。教育是什麼?。新青年,8(6)。  延伸查詢new window
9.郭沫若(1924)。整理國故的評價。創造週報,36,1。  延伸查詢new window
10.鄭振鐸(1919)。《新社會》發刊辭。新社會,1,1。  延伸查詢new window
11.鄭振鐸(1937)。失書記。烽火(吶喊),9。  延伸查詢new window
12.鄭振鐸(1945)。《蟄居散記》自序。周報,創刊號。  延伸查詢new window
13.鄭振鐸(1934)。《西行書簡》‧題記。文學,3(4)。  延伸查詢new window
14.西諦(1923)。整理國故與新文學運動‧發端。小說月報,14(1),1。  延伸查詢new window
15.顧頡剛(1923)。我們對於國故應取的態度。小說月報,14(1),5。  延伸查詢new window
16.鄭振鐸(1923)。新文學之建設與國故之新研究。小說月報,14(1),1。  延伸查詢new window
17.鄭振鐸(1947)。魯迅與中國古版畫。文藝復興,4(2)。  延伸查詢new window
18.鄭振鐸(1933)。《北平箋譜》序。文學,2(1)。  延伸查詢new window
19.鄭振鐸(1923)。關於中國戲曲研究的書籍。小說月報,14(7)。  延伸查詢new window
20.賓芬(1930)。元曲散錄。小說月報,21(1)/22(10)。  延伸查詢new window
21.鄭振鐸(1934)。元明以來雜劇總錄序。文學季刊。  延伸查詢new window
22.鄭振鐸(1937)。《詞林摘艷》裏的戲劇作家及散文作家考。暨南學報。  延伸查詢new window
23.(1991)。兩種通行本中國文學史的檢討。中國文哲研究通訊,1(1),85。  延伸查詢new window
24.劉苑如(1993)。書刊評介:鄭振鐸《插圖本中國文學史》。中國文哲研究通訊,3(2),82-90。  延伸查詢new window
1.馬孟晶(1993)。晚明金陵《十竹齋書畫譜》《十竹齋箋譜》研究(碩士論文)。國立台灣大學。  延伸查詢new window
2.張中雲(1996)。整理國故運動之研究:以章太炎、胡適、顧頡剛為例(碩士論文)。東吳大學。  延伸查詢new window
3.陳以愛(1997)。北京大學研究所國學門早期的發展 (1922-1927):兼論中國現代學術研究機構的興起(碩士論文)。國立政治大學。  延伸查詢new window
1.陳福康(1991)。鄭振鐸論。北京:商務印書館。  延伸查詢new window
2.鄭爾康(1990)。鄭振鐸。北京:文物出版社。  延伸查詢new window
3.鄭振鐸(1937)。西行書簡。上海:商務印書館。  延伸查詢new window
4.盧今、李華龍(1997)。鄭振鐸日記。太原:山西教育。  延伸查詢new window
5.金梅、朱文華(1992)。鄭振鐸評傳。鄭振鐸評傳。天津。  延伸查詢new window
6.陳福康(1993)。一代才華鄭振鐸傳。一代才華鄭振鐸傳。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
7.陳炳堃。最近三十年中國文學史。上海。  延伸查詢new window
8.陳福康(1988)。鄭振鐸年譜。北京。  延伸查詢new window
9.鄭振鐸(1988)。中國古代版畫叢刊--救荒本草、日記故事、忠義水滸傳插圖、便民圖纂。上海:上海古籍出版社。  延伸查詢new window
10.章炳麟(1977)。國故論衡。臺北:廣文書局。  延伸查詢new window
11.梁啟超(1927)。治國學的兩條大路。國故學討論集。上海。  延伸查詢new window
12.鄭振鐸(1987)。晚清文選。晚清文選。上海。  延伸查詢new window
13.胡適(1985)。論故國學─答毛子水。胡適文存(第一集)。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
14.梁啟超(1927)。治國學的兩條大路。故國學討論集。上海。  延伸查詢new window
15.蘇興良(1989)。文學研究會。中國現代文學社團流派。江蘇。  延伸查詢new window
16.唐弢(1986)。《鄭振鐸》序。鄭振鐸。香港。  延伸查詢new window
17.鄭振鐸(1937)。戰號。戰號。上海。  延伸查詢new window
18.郭源新(1934)。取火者的逮捕。取火者的逮捕。上海。  延伸查詢new window
19.郭源新(1936)。桂公塘。桂公塘。上海。  延伸查詢new window
20.鄭振鐸(1939)。風濤。十人集。  延伸查詢new window
21.鄭振鐸(1932)。海燕。海燕。上海。  延伸查詢new window
22.鄭振鐸(1934)。歐行日記。歐行日記。上海。  延伸查詢new window
23.鄭振鐸(1946)。民族文話。民族文話。上海。  延伸查詢new window
24.鄭振鐸。最後的一課。鄭振鐸文集(第二集)。  延伸查詢new window
25.林志儀、雷銳、秦賢次。鄭振鐸年表。中國新文學大師名作賞析:許地山鄭振鐸。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
26.阿英(1990)。史料索引。史料索引。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
27.鄭振鐸(1988)。整理中國文學的提議。鄭振鐸文集(第七卷)。北京。  延伸查詢new window
28.鄭振鐸(1988)。《中國古代刻畫選集》序。鄭振鐸藝術考古文集。北京。  延伸查詢new window
29.許廣平(1986)。欣慰的紀念‧魯迅和青年們。魯迅生平史料匯編(第5輯下)。天津。  延伸查詢new window
30.王觀泉。魯迅創導版畫運動的概況。魯迅生平史料匯編(第5輯下)。天津。  延伸查詢new window
31.魯迅(1976)。致鄭振鐸(1933年2月5日)。魯迅書信集。北京。  延伸查詢new window
32.北京圖書館(1963)。西諦書目五卷題跋。西諦書目五卷題跋。北京。  延伸查詢new window
33.鄭振鐸(1934)。《中國版畫史圖錄》第九冊說明。中國版畫史圖錄(第九冊)。  延伸查詢new window
34.鄭振鐸(1947)。域外所藏中國古畫集─西域畫。域外所藏中國古畫集─西域畫。上海。  延伸查詢new window
35.鄭振鐸(1988)。《清人雜劇初集》序。鄭振鐸文集。北京。  延伸查詢new window
36.鄭振鐸(1944)。長樂鄭氏彙印傳奇第一集。長樂鄭氏彙印傳奇第一集。  延伸查詢new window
37.吳文祺(1988)。回憶「孤島」時期的鄭振鐸同志。回憶鄭振鐸。上海。  延伸查詢new window
38.蔡元培(1991)。《世界文庫》序。鄭振鐸世界文庫。河北。  延伸查詢new window
39.羅竹風(1987)。重印《晚清文選》前言。晚清文選。上海。  延伸查詢new window
40.鄭振鐸(1957)。《中國文學研究》序。中國文學研究。北京。  延伸查詢new window
41.鄭振鐸(1930)。中國文學史(中世卷)。中國文學史(中世卷)。上海。  延伸查詢new window
42.鄭振鐸(1958)。例言。插圖本中國文學史。北京。  延伸查詢new window
43.鄭篤(1965)。中國俗文學史(上冊)。中國俗文學史(上冊)。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
1.陳以愛(1999)。「整理國故」運動的普及化,臺北。  延伸查詢new window
2.十竹齋書畫譜。  延伸查詢new window
3.(1934)。十竹齋箋譜。  延伸查詢new window
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