

題名:Young Children and Computers: Major Concerns and Potential Benefits
作者(外文):Fang, Lin-yu
主題關鍵詞:幼兒網際網路遊戲文化意識整合學習Young childrenThe internetPlayCultural awarenessHolistic learning environment
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     Computer opponents and advocates have made very different claims about how the effects computers have on young children. The goal of this paper is to review the major concerns and potential benefits of computerized learning by young children. Opponents believe that the computer has negative effects on children's physical and cognitive development. They also worry about gender issues and the safety issues with the Internet. This review balances these concerns with an overview of the existing research. When the teacher plays an active role in facilitating children's computer use and selects developmentally appropriate software, then computer learning benefits young children tremendously. This review identifies potential benefits and discusses how the computer offers the features of play and is a resource to create a holistic learning environment, to access information, and to wxpand cultural awareness.
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