

作者(外文):Lai, Man-hongLo, N. K.
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     由應試教育向質素教育轉軌是香港及上海教育發展的共同目標。從目的切合性、 教育工作者的角色、公平及均等的考慮等度向觀之,兩地質素教育發展可謂毀譽參半。未能 培養切合勞動市場需要的人才,應試教育取向,教師教育的質素,教師在教育決策過程中的 參與不足,分流制度製造了更多的不公平,仍然是兩地基礎教育發展需要面對的問題。對於 兩地而言,教育的質素應是指提供充足的全人發展的空間,延緩分流,減低考試壓力,關注 教師專業的發展,更重要的是注意處於不利境況群體的教育需要。
     Transforming examination-oriented education into quality education is the common goal of educational development in Hong Kong and Shanghai. By examining three aspects of quality education: fitness for purpose, the role of educational practitioners, and the issues of equality and equity in education, the achievements of the two cities in developing quality education are depicted and the challenges that have been met are elucidated. Their education systems are confronted by problems on several fronts: incongruence between skills of their labor forces and requirements of the workplace, strong examination-oriented tendencies, weaknesses in teacher education, limited chances for teachers to participate in the decision-making process, and unequal opportunities exacerbated by the tracking system. Quality education in Hong Kong and Shanghai should afford an environment that is conducive to nurturing well-rounded persons by deferring the tracking of students, by controlling the pressure of examinations, by improving teachers' professionalism, and by paying more attention to the educational needs of the disadvantaged.
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