

作者:陳美芳 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Mei-fang
主題關鍵詞:國語文低成就口語理解聽覺記憶圖畫詞彙閱讀Oral language comprehensionReading comprehensionLow achieverPoor reader
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     本研究為縱貫三年的研究,目的在探討國小學童在閱讀歷程中口語理解能力的發 展。研究對象選自臺灣北、中、南、東四區,第三年時共計256位,經參考教師觀察、學生 在校成績及標準化國語文能力測驗,分為國語文低、中、高三個程度組。研究第一年時, 受試者為小學二、五年級。研究中探討的口語理解成分包含圖書詞彙與聽覺記憶能力,其 中圖畫詞彙的測量採用「畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗」,聽覺記憶能力則採自編測驗測量。研究 者由三方面分析相關資料:1.區辨分析:比較各年級不同國語文能力組別學童在口語理解 能力的差異情形。2.發展趨勢與型態分析:分析國語文低成就學童口語理解能力的發展情 形。3.口語理解對閱讀困難的篩檢功能。
     The purpose of this study was to investigate Chinese low achievers' oral language comprehension and the relationship between oral language comprehension and reading comprehension. It is a three-year developmental study. The subjects included 246 students with different Chinese achievement levels. These subjects were followed up from the 2nd and the 5th grade on the first year of this study to the 4th and the 7th grade on the third year. Major findings were:(1) Low achievers were inferior to middle and high achievers on oral language comprehension during the primary school level. (2) The low achievers' developmental patterns on oral language comprehension.
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