

作者:吳福相 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Fu-shiang
主題關鍵詞:整體結構分篇結構導語論贊語首括式轉折式連鎖式Whole structureSeparated structurePrefaceCommentaryEncompassing allChanging pointChain style
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     吾人透過《莊子》與《呂氏春秋》寓言結構之比較研究,足以披文入情,理解二家作品之情思,體悟二家寄託之深刻,則可調和複異,使萬端歸於一束,眾情融於全感,而得寓言之妙諦焉。 因受篇幅限制,擬先從整體結構及分篇結構二方面研究,至於單則結構,則留日後再行探究。整體結構可分為並列、直進、首括、尾括、雙括五式,分篇結構在一篇之中,可分為直進、並列、首括、尾括、雙括五式,在各則之間可分為並列、重複、轉折、遞進、連鎖五式,各式並具特色,足以研究其內容、形式、作用、風格、藝術等之異同,以明其有足資為吾人所借鏡者也。
     We will realize the emotions and feelings through the structure of the fables on "Chuang Tz" and "Liu Sh Chuen Chiou". These two books will be profound consignation. Thus, they will blend the differnet opinions into one, which can get the main point and feelings. Owing to the limitation of this article, 1 try to make a research from two respects, one is the whole structure, and the other is the structure of separate articles. The whole structure can be divided into five styles,--lining side by side, proceeding one by one, encompassing all, induction, and the combination of deduction and induction. As for the separated structure within one article, it includes proceeding one by one, lining side by side, encompassing all, induction, and the combination of deduction and induction. Between one article and the other, the following five styles--lining side by side, repetition, changing point, proceeding one by one, chain story one within one, or more than one story within one. Each style has its characteristic. We can understand the similarities and differences by its contents, forms, function, styles, arts and so forth, which is worthy of careful study.
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