

題名:Evaluation of a Descriptive Statistics Curriculum Unit
作者(外文):Lue, Yuang-tswong
主題關鍵詞:課程評鑑敘述統計教學單元高中程度有效性噩題與困難教與學重要性必要性適當性Curriculum evaluationDescriptive statistics curriculum unitHigh school levelEffectivenessProblems and difficultiesTeaching and learningImportanceNecessityAppropriateness
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     此研究在評鑑現行高中數學課程中的一個敘述統計教學單元,以評量其有效性、 重要性、必要性、和適當性,並探討學生之學習情形與教師之教學狀況,大專教師、高中數 學教師、大學生、與高中生皆被請求發表意見或回答問卷,高中學生還接受測驗以瞭解他們 的學習困難,所有的研究工具都經過審慎的構思與設計,而完成於此研究的第一階段,此研 究的第二階段是前導研究,第三階段才是主研究。 大致上來說,大專教師與高中數學教師對教材有正面的評價,但高中學生的反應是負面的, 主要的理由是有些統計概念和內容說明不清楚或不生動,雖然如此,但由於大部份內容很容 易,所以高中生們認為他們的學習成果良好,他們的受測成績也不錯,但沒被鼓勵使用電算 器來做計算,指數的概念和複雜的計算與公式皆是學習上的困難,導致學習興趣不高。大專 教師和高中數學教師大致上認為敘述統計對高中生的重要性、必要性、和適當性皆高,但高 中生卻不同意此等看法。
     This study was carried out to evaluate a descriptive statistics curriculum unit that is integrated into the contemporary mathematics curriculum of the high school in Taiwan. The effectiveness, importance, necessity, and appropriateness of the curriculum unit were investigated. The problems and difficulties of teaching and learning were also explored. College experts, high school mathematics teachers, and students were asked to make comments and reactions. High school students were given a test to understand their learning difficulties. All research instruments were deliberately constructed and designed. The work was completed in the first stage of the study. The second stage of the study was the pilot study and the main study was the third and the final stage of the study. Generally speaking, the college teachers and the high school mathematics teachers gave a positive evaluation of the teaching materials. However, the high school students had a negative reaction. The principal reasons were the unclearness of some statistical concepts and some sections in the textbook, and its dull content. Despite this, the students thought that their achievement was good because most of the content is easy to learn. The students' mean score on the test was also satisfactory. Using a calculator to do calculations was not encouraged. The concept of statistical index, the complex formulae, and the complicated computations were difficulties in learning. Therefore, their learning interest was low. The college teachers and the high school mathematics teachers generally thought that descriptive statistics is important, necessary, and appropriate for high school students. But the high school students did not agree.
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