

作者:田耐青 引用關係
作者(外文):Tyan, Nancy Nay-ching
主題關鍵詞:電腦中介溝通教師進修教育Computer-mediated communicationCMC
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     The purpose of this piece of action research was to solve the following problems the researcher encountered in her seminar class. Even though she announced the reading and discussion questions one or two weeks in advance, quite a few students did not read the asigned chapters till they came to the class. Others had done their reading, but had not spent time contemplating on the discussion questions, so they failed to provide deepthought opinions to the discussion questions. Yet, many students felt uncomfortable about expressing personal opinions in public. It often took a long time for her seminar class to get warmed up, and by the time the discussion was getting hot, it was time to dismiss the students. The researcher, also an associate professor in a teachers' college in northern Taiwan, an dher former students believed they needed to find a way to push her students do the preview, to let her students express their ideas comfortably, and to be able to continue discussion despite the class meeting time limit. Electronic Forum (a form of computer-mediated communication) was the strategy she adopted to try to solve the abovementioned problems Using Frontpage 98, she and her assistant established an instructional web site, in which she incorporated electronic forum in her curriculum and pedagogical design. Because the computer will record the time, date, and the author's name of the articles posted on the forum, the researcher can easily find out who did the preview and who didn't. Computer-mediated communication provided a method for those who were too shy to speak in public to participate the discussion. And the web's ability to go beyond the time and space limitations makes discussions after class feasible. From the researcher's observation and her students' reflection, it was believed that the above-mentioned problems were solved. But the introduction of electronic forum to the researcher's class has brought another problem, i.e., the instability and the traffic jam of the web system.
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