

作者:劉啟群 引用關係楊慧敏
作者(外文):Liu, Chi-chunYang, Hu-ming
主題關鍵詞:會計獲利能力產業結構經營效率Accounting profitabilityMarket structureEfficiency
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     銀行獲利能力之根源係歸因於整體銀行產業集中度、個別銀行市場力量或個別銀 行之管理效率及規模經濟效率,一直為經濟及管理學界重視之議題。本文依據文獻、參考 國內金融環境之變化及公民營型態之差異,收集民國70年至83年上市、上櫃及公開發行共 34家商業銀行之相關資料,觀察金融產業結構及經營效率與獲利能力是否具關聯性。實證 結果顯示,整體而言,如從全體銀行觀之,銀行之獲利能力不僅來自銀行市場力量且與銀 行管理效率有重大關聯。但如以民營銀行而論,相對市場力量才是區分民營銀行獲利能力 之最主要因素;相對地,公營銀行間獲利能力之差異,主要係源自各銀行之管理效率,而 非市場力量。以ROA為獲利能力指標之實證結果:(1)所有銀行:結構-行為-績效假說成 立,市場佔有率與ROA為負向關係、且達顯著水準,與預期不相符。(2)公營銀行:結構- 行為-績效假說、規模經濟效率結構假說成立,管理效率亦有相當影響力。(3)民營銀行: 結構-行為-績效假說相對市場力量假說、管理效率結構假說成立。以ROA為獲利能力指標 之實證結果:(1)所有銀行:結構-行為-績效假說成立、相對市場力量假說、規模經濟效 率亦有相當影響力。(2)公營銀行:管理效率結構假說、規模經濟效率結構假說成立。(3) 民營銀行:結構-行為-績效假說、相對市場力量假說成立。
     This study examines the relationship between accounting profitability, market structure, and efficiency in Taiwan banking industry. Specifically, market structure hypotheses (i.e., market share and industry concentration) and efficiency hypotheses (i.e., scale efficiency and management or production technologies) are tested. The purpose of this study is to employ tests that distinguish among these two theories. Although market structure hypotheses had been tested in prior studies, impromements in examing efficiency hypotheses of Taiwan banking industry, expecially, in how to measure eficiency, are still very much needed. In addition, different ownership types of banks are also investigated. The main results support our hypotheses that both market structure and efficiency are important determinants of bank profitability. he findings also indicate that the major source of profitability for state-owned banks comes from management efficiency, in contrast, market power is the main driving force behind the profitability of private banks.
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