

作者:陳彥仲 引用關係楊青桓
作者(外文):Chen, Yen-jongYang, Ching-huan
主題關鍵詞:住宅交通市場均衡Logit模型高雄市HousingTransportationMarket priceLOGIT modelKaohsiung
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     1983年,CATLAS模型(Chicago Area Transportation / Land Use Analysis System) 的建立提供了交通與土地使用整合分析的實證工具。惟到目前為止,該模型被引用 於實務政策分析的研究並不多見。其原因一方面與該模型著重於短期市場均衡之理念有關, 兩另一方面國內之不動產市場結構是否適用該模型亦尚未清楚。本研究嘗試以高雄市為例, 檢視該模型在臺灣地區的實證能力。經以「高雄都會區運輸需求研究」、「高雄市住宅建設 計畫」之調查資料進行實證。結果發現在高雄地區高房價伴隨高空屋率之住宅市場結構下, 原始之供給次模型無法得到合理解釋,必須加以修正。本研究將供給模型分解為住宅存量函 數以及住宅使用機率函數。以修正後的模型進行分析,結果得到當對市區通勤汽機車實施管 制或同時提高通勤公車之行駛路權時,郊區之不動產價格因而上漲。而當增加住宅供給時, 不動產價格則如預期般下降。顯示經修正後的模型,已能合理反映高雄地區住宅市場結構現 況。
     The development of CATLAS model in 1983 provided an useful instrument in integrating urban transportation and land use. However, empirical applications embodied CATLAS structure are few. In this study, we modified the model according to the market structure of Taiwan urban housing. We spread the housing supply function of CATLAS into two parts: the housing stock function and the probability function of housing occupancy. A database manipulated from the Study of Transportation Demand in Kaohsiung Metropolitan Area and from the Housing Construction Plan ofKaohsiung City was used for empirical test. The results indicated that a regulation to commuting auto and/or increasing the level of right of way to commuting bus increases the real estate price in suburban area and a significant housing supply decreases the market price as expected. We conclude that the modified CATLAS model can reasonably reflect the Taiwan housing market structure.
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