

作者:潘義祥 引用關係周宏室 引用關係
作者(外文):Pan, I-shaungChou, Hung-shih
主題關鍵詞:國小教師體育教學目標Teachers of elementary schoolTeaching objectives of physical education
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     本研究旨在了解臺北縣不同個人背景變項(含性別、教育背景及年資)的國小教 師所認同的體育教學目標之差異,並以調查研究法及訪談法實施之。以自編之「國小教師體 育教學目標量表」為調查工具, 抽取 70 所學校, 合計發出 1493 份,回收有效量表為 973 份,回收率 65%,調查資料經統計分析及討論後,做成如下結論: (一)就性別而言,男女教師體育教學目標有顯著差異存在,女性較男性教師更具有高傾向 的教學目標認同感,且在創造思考認知、特殊性運動技術、情意目標上的認同度顯著高於男 教師。 (二)就教育背景而言,各種不同教育背景教師的教學目標認同感都具有一致性,其中無差 異存在。 (三)就任教年資而言,不同任教年資教師的體育教學目標有顯著差異存在,資深教師比初 任教師更具高傾向的體育教學目標認同感,其中未滿一年的初任教師較 6-15 年教師在認知 層面及整體體育教學目標上有顯著差異。 本文最後提供具體建議,以做為有關單位體育教學改進之參考。
     This study has analyzed the identification tendencies of the elementary school physical education objectives in Taipei county. Seventy elementary schools were chosen randomly to be the subjects. 973 questionnaires from 1,493 teachers that 65 percent were returned validly. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. That different gender of teachers had significant differences in teaching objectives, and the female teachers had higher identification tendencies than male teachers. 2. The different educational background teachers had no significant difference in teaching objectives. 3. That different service years teachers had significant differnece in teaching objectives, and that older teachers had higher identification tendencies than student teachers.
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