

作者(外文):Chiang, L. M.Tseng, C. Y.
主題關鍵詞:白血病父親角色衝突LeukemiaFatherRole conflict
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     本個案報告目的為探討一位父親面臨愛子遽患急性骨髓性白血病所產生之角色衝 突並提供護理措施協助父親調適。報告採田野研究法在護理期間記錄與父親的互動過程,並 根據十五篇行為過程記錄,以內容分析法進行資料歸類分析。研究結果發現父親的角色衝突 有:(1)保護者角色的衝突;(2)供給者角色的衝突;(3)權威者角色的衝突;(4)希望者角色的 衝突。其護理措施包括:(1)正確照顧方法上的鼓勵及支持;(2)提供病童照顧及諮詢訊息;(3) 與母親討論,配合及支持父親;(4)聯繫社工人員的介入及協助。在護理人員的適時關切支 持及各方系統的配合下,協助父親能減輕其角色衝突的反應,讓父親與病童能順利走過這段 漫長的治療過程。
     This case report was conducted by the field method approach. The writer was the primary nurse taking care of a boy newly diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and his father. Content analysis was applied to fifteen process recordings. The purpose of the report was to identify the role conflict of the father during his coping process. Four kinds of role conflict experienced by the father were found to be (1) a protector conflict; (2)a provider conflict; (3)an authority conflict; (4)a hope keeper conflict. The nursing interventions included: (1)encouraging the appropriate parenting care; (2) providing information and consultation abont care to the father; (3) discussing with the mother how to support and work together with father; (4) consulting social worker for assistance. With appropriate nursing support and medical team cooperation, the reaction of the role conflict in the father can be alleviated, and both father and child can have better adjustment to the ongoing treatment.
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