

作者(外文):Lee, Wen-rueyChen, Chiou-horng
主題關鍵詞:印刷電路板策略群組製造目標移動障礙Printed circuit boardStrategic groupManufacturing goalsMobility barriers
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     本研究旨在運用策略群組的分析架構,探討臺烤地區印刷電路板產業之策略群組 型態、製造目標、移動障礙來源、及其與經營績效間的關係。利用因素分析、兩階段集群分 析、區別分析、變異數分析、以及Scheffe多重檢定等統計分析工具,進行實證研究。研究 結果發現:(1)臺灣地區印刷電路板產業因廠商之經營策略與資源特性的不同,可將之區分 為五個彼此間具有顯著差異之策略群組;(2)不同之策略群組在其所著重之製造目標與經營 績效上存有顯著之差異;(3)各策略群組所建立之移動障礙來源與程度存有顯著之差異,且 移動障礙程度與其經營績效間存有顯著之相關,亦即移動障礙程度愈高的群組,經營績效表 現愈好。
     By applying the framework of strategic group to Taiwan's printed circuit board industry, this paper examines whether strategic groups exist in this industry and the relationship between their manufacturing goals, mobility barriers, and performance. Factor analysis, two-stage cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, one-way ANOVA/MNOVA, and Scheffe multiple comparison are used to proceed empirical analysis. Findings of this paper indicate that: (1) Due to different strategic moves and resource characteristics, Taiwan's printed circuit board industry can be divided into five strategic groups; (2) There are significant differences among strategic groups in their manufacturing goals and performance; (3) There are significant differences among various groups in their sources and level of mobility barriers. Positive correlation between group's level of mobility barriers and performance is significant, i.e. the higher the level of mobility barriers of one group, the better the performance of that group.
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