

作者:胡春田 引用關係
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1.Wyplosz, Charles(1986)。Capital Controls and Balance of Payments Crises。Journal of International Money and Finance,5,167-179。  new window
2.Ellis, M. A.、Auernheimer, L.(1996)。Stabilization under Capital Controls。Journal of International Money and Finance,15(4),523-533。  new window
3.Dooley, M.(1996)。A Survey of Literature on Controls over International Capital Transactions。IMF Staff Papers,33(4)。  new window
1.Calvo, G. A.(1998)。Balance of Payments Crises in Emerging Markets: Large Capital Inflows and Sovereign Government。the NBER Conference on Currency Crises,(會議日期: 1998/02/06-07)。Cambridge, Mass。  new window
2.Redelet, S.、Sachs, J.(1998)。The East Asian Financial Crisis: Diagnosis, Remedies, Prospects。the Brookings Panel,(會議日期: 1998/03/26-27)。Washington D. C.。  new window
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4.Johnston, R. B.、Darbar, S. M.、Echeverria, C.(1997)。Sequencing Capital Account Liberalization: Lessons form the Experiences in Chile, Indonesia, Korea, and Thailand。  new window
5.Edwards, S.(1998)。Capital Flows, Real Exchange Rates, and Capital Controls: Some Latin American Experiences。  new window
6.Chinn, M.、Frankel, J.(1995)。Who Drives Real Interest Rates around the Pacific Rim: The US or Japan?。Center for Pacific Basin Monetary and Economic Studies, Economic Research Department:Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco。  new window
7.Corbett, J.、Vines, D.(1998)。The Asian Crisis: Competing Explanations。  new window
8.Cardoso, J.、Laurens, B.(1998)。The Effectiveness of Capital Controls on Inflows: Lesson from the Experience of Chile。  new window
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1.Corsetti, G.、Pesenti, P.、Roubini, N.(1998)。What Caused the Asian Currency and Financial Crisis?。New York University。  new window
2.Morence, Ramon、Pasadilla, Gloria、Remelena, Eli(1988)。Asia's Financial Crisis: Lessons and Policy Responses。Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco。  new window
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5.Soto, C.(1997)。Controles alos Movimientos de Capital: Evaluacion Empirica del Caso Chileno。Banco Central de Chile。  new window
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7.Institute of International Finance, Inc.(1998)。Capital Flows to Emerging Market Economies。Washington D.C.:Institute of International Finance, Inc.。  new window
8.Folkerts-Landau, D.、Ito, T.(1995)。International capital Markets: Developments, Prospects, and Policy Issues。Washington D. C.:International Monetary Fund。  new window
9.Folkerts-Landau, D.、Mathieson, D.、Schinasi, G.(1997)。International Capital Markets: Development, Prospects, and Key Policy Issues。Washington D.C.:World Economic and Financial Surveys。  new window
1.Calvo, G. A.(1998)。Capital Flows and Capital-Market Crises: The Simple 'economics of Sudden Stops。  new window
1.Krugman, P.(19980809)。Saving Asia: Its Time to Get Radical。  new window
1.Calvo, G. A.(1998)。Varieties of Capital-Market Crises。The Debt Burden and its Consequences for Monetary Policy。International Economic Association Press。  new window
2.Reinhart, C.、Smith, R.(1998)。Too much of a Good Thing: The Macroeconomic Effects of Taxing Capital Inflows。Managing Capital Flows and Exchange Rates: Perspectives from the Pacific Basin。Cambridge University Press。  new window
3.Mckinnon, R. I.、Pill, H.(1998)。The Over-borrowing Syndrome: Are East Asian Economies Different?。Managing Capital Flows and Exchange Rates: Perspectives from the Pacific Basin。Cambridge University Press。  new window
4.Reisen, H.(1998)。Net Capital Inflows: How Much to Accept, How Much to Resist?。Managing Capital Flows and Exchange Rates: Perspectives from the Pacific Basin。Cambridge University Press。  new window
5.Kletzer, K.、Spiegel, M.(1998)。Speculative Capital Inflows and Exchange Rate Targeting in the Pacific Basin: Theory and Evidence。Managing Capital Flows and Exchange Rates: Perspectives from the Pacific Basin。Cambridge University Press。  new window
6.Kamin, S. B.、Wood, P. R.(1998)。Capital Inflows, Financial Intermediation, and Aggregate Demand: Empirical Evidence from Mexico and other Pacific Basin Countries。Managing Capital Flows and Exchange Rates: Perspectives from the Pacific Basin。Cambridge University Press。  new window
7.Glick, R.(1998)。Overview。Managing Capital Flows and Exchange Rates: Perspectives from the Pacific Basin。Cambridge University Press。  new window
8.Glick, R.、Mareno, R.(1995)。Capital Flows and Monetary Policy in East Asia。Monetary and Exchange Rate Management with International Capital Mobility: Experiences in Countries and Regions along the Pacific Rim。Hong Kong Monetary Authority。  new window
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