

作者(外文):Chang, Hwa
主題關鍵詞:詞目呼應體例語病成套詞目成對詞目兩岸譯名差異Correspondence among related lexical entriesFaulty wordingSet lexical entriesPair lexical entriesDifference of translated terms across the Taiwan Strait
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英漢辭典不僅是為讀者解惑的工具,更是後起同類辭典的參考藍本,所以資料正確應是辭典的基本要求,雖一字之差,以訛傳訛,也會造成深遠的影響其重要性不容忽視。坊間將 eat one's words(認錯、收回前言)誤譯為「食言」,歷時數十年而未能根絕,是最明顯的例子。《英漢大詞典》是近十年來最重要的英漢辭典之一,並以簡、繁二體在兩岸三地發行,規模恢宏,也深獲好評,唯部分內容仍有商榷餘地。本文從體例、收詞、釋義、註釋、用詞、翻譯等方面提出商討,並針對辭典易地出版的問題提出建議,以就教於方案。
An English-Chinese dictionary is more than an enlightening tool to the-Chinese readers of English. It is also a source of editorial reference for“ture dictionaries of its kind. Therefore, the smallest mistake in adictionary may result in long lasting disasters. When one dictionarywrongly translates “eat one's words" into Chinese as “going back on one'sword," it takes decades of effort before such a mistake can be totally removedfrom publications. With this example in mind, it is obvious that correctnessin a dictionary cannot be over emphasizedAs one of the most important English-Chinese dictionaries in the lastdecade, The English-Chinese Dictionary, with Lu Gusun as editor-in-chief,was made available in three versions: a simplified-Chinese-character versionpublished by Ylwen Publishing House in Shanghai followed by twotraditional-Chinese-character versions respectively launched in Taipei andHong Kong. This ambitious dictionary has earned much applause for itsquality and dimensions since its birth; however, there is still room fordiscussion in terms of its precision and correctness. This paper intends toprovide feedback on format, lexical definition, wording and translationproblems found in the dictionary, and tries to propose possible means to caterto the special needs of the readers for whom a localized version is provided.
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2.(19980727)。狗仔隊鼻祖齊塞阿洛利長眠地下,台北。  延伸查詢new window
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