

題名:紐約女同性戀表演的城市空間與身體美學 : 析論「開襠褲劇團」的性別操演
作者:張靄珠 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:女同性戀文化開襠褲劇團性別認同Split Britches
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1.Wittig, Monique(1985)。The Mark of Gender." Feminist Issues。Feminist Issues,5(2),3-12。  new window
2.Wittig, Monique(1985)。The Mark of Gender." Feminist。Feminist Issues,5(3),3-21。  new window
3.Wittig, Monique(1982)。One is Not Born a Woman." Feminist Issues。Feminist Issues,5(2),47-54。  new window
4.Wittig, Monique(1980)。The Straight Mind。Feminist Issues,5(2),103-110。  new window
5.Davy, Kate(1989)。Reading Past the Heterosexual Imperative: Dress Suits to Hire。The Drama Review,33(1),153-170。  new window
6.Davy, Kate(The Heart)。The Heart of the Scorpion at the WOW Cafe。The Drama Review,29(1),50-56。  new window
7.Dolan, Jill(1987)。The Dynamics of Desire: Sexuality and Gender in Pornography and performance。Theater Journal,39(2),156-74。  new window
8.Diamond, Elin(1988)。Brechtian Theory/Feminist Theory: Toward a Gestic Feminist Chriticism。The Drama Review,32(1),82-94。  new window
9.Hart, Lynda、Peggy, Phelan(1996)。Queerer Than Thou: Being and Deb Margolin。Theater Journal,47(2),269-82。  new window
10.Nestle, Joan(1981)。Butch-Fem Relationships: Sexual Courage in the 1950's。Heresies,12,22。  new window
11.Solomon, Alisa(1985)。The WOW Cafe。The Drama Review,29(1),92-101。  new window
12.Lauretis, Teresa de(1988)。Sexual Indifference and Lesbian Representation。Theatre Journal,40(2),155-177。  new window
1.Patraka, Vivian M.(1998)。Interview with the Author。  new window
2.Case, Sue(1988)。Feminism and Theater。New York:Methuen。  new window
3.Case, Sue(1996)。Split Britches: Lesbian Practice/Feminist Performanc。New York:Routledge。  new window
4.Lauretis(1987)。Technology o f Gender: Essays on Theory, Film, and Fiction。Bloomington:Indiana UP.。  new window
5.Hart, Lynda、Peggy, Phelan(1993)。Acting Out: Feminist Performance。U. of Michigan P.。  new window
6.Freud, Sigmund(1962)。Three Essays on the Theory o f Sexuality。New York:Basic Books。  new window
7.Lacan, Jacques(1982)。Feminist Sexuality: Jacques Lacan and the“Ecole Freudlenne。New York:W. W. Norton。  new window
8.Irigaray, Luce(1982)。This Sex Which is Not One。Ithaca:Cornell UP.。  new window
9.Hughes, Holly(1998)。Interview with the Author。  new window
10.Hart, Lynda、Peggy, Phelan。Identity and Seduction: Lesbians in the Mainstream。  new window
11.Dolan, Jill(1991)。The Feminist Spectator as Critic。Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press。  new window
12.Mulvey, Laura(1989)。Visual and other Pleasures。Indiana University Press。  new window
13.Butler, Judith(1993)。Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of "Sex"。Routledge。  new window
14.Butler, Judith P.(1990)。Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity。Routledge。  new window
1.Case, Sue(1989)。Toward a Butch-Femme Aesthetics。Making a Spectacle: Feminist Essays on Contemporary Women's Theater。Ann Arbor:U. of Michigan P.。  new window
2.Patraka, Vivian M.(1993)。Split Britches in Split Britches: Performing History, Vaudeville, and the Everyday。Peggy Phelan and Lynda Hart。Ann Arbor:U. of Michigan P.。  new window
3.Davy, Kate(1992)。Fe/male Impersonation: The Discourse of Camp。Critical Theory and Performance。Ann Arbor:U. of Michigan P.。  new window
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