

作者:余漢儀 引用關係
書刊名:兒童虐待 : 現象檢視與問題反思
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1.劉可屏(1983)。綜論兒童虐待問題。輔仁學誌,15,201-225。  延伸查詢new window
2.Adams, J. A.(1991)。Is It (or Is It Not) Sexual Abuse? The Medical Examiners' Dilemma。Child Youth and Family Services,15,129-143。  new window
3.Doerner, William G.(1987)。Child Maltreatment Seriousness and Juvenile Delinquency。Youth and Society,19(2),197-224。  new window
4.Garbarinoㄝ, J.、Ebata(1983)。The Significance of Ethnic and Cultural Difference in Child Maltreatment。Journal of Marriage and the Family,45,773-783。  new window
5.Gil, David(1977)。Level of Manifestation, Causal Dimension, and Primary Preven-tion。Victimology,2,186-194。  new window
6.Giovannoni, J. M.、Billingsley, A.(1970)。Neglect among the Poor: A Study of Parental Adequacy in Families of Three Ethnic Groups。Child Welfare,49(4),196-204。  new window
7.Howe, David(1992)。Child Abuse and the Burearcratisation of Social Work。The Sociological Review,40(3),491-508。  new window
8.Nunno, M. A.、Motz, J. K.(1988)。The Development of An Effective Response to the Abuse of Children in Out-of-Home Care。Child Abuse and Neglect,12(4),521-528。  new window
9.Polansky, N. A.、Williams, D. P.(1978)。Class Orientation to Child Neglect。Social Work,22(3),397-401。  new window
10.Rycraft, J. R.(1990)。Redefining Abuse and Neglect: A Narrower Focus Could Affect Children At Risk。Publich Welfare,49(1),14-21。  new window
11.遲景上(19851000)。虐待兒童。臨床醫學,16(4)=94,236-241。new window  延伸查詢new window
12.Kempe, H.、Silverman, F.、Steele, B.、Droegemueller, W.、Silver, H.(1962)。The Battered Child Syndrome。Journal of the American Medical Association,181,17-24。  new window
13.周震歐(1989)。兒童虐待、忽視與少年犯罪。研考月刊,148,15-22。  延伸查詢new window
1.Zielinski, S.(1992)。Clinical Perspectives in Child Abuse。Loyola Conference on Child Abuse: Clinical, Ethical, Social, and Legal Dimensions。Chicago, Illinois。  new window
1.劉可屏(1993)。兒童虐待傷害認定標準研究報告。  延伸查詢new window
2.彭懷真、翁慧圓(1995)。落實兒童福利法--兒童、少年成長性親職(輔導)教育研究方案。  延伸查詢new window
1.黃素珍(1991)。父母童年受虐經驗兒童虐待之研究(碩士論文)。東海大學。  延伸查詢new window
2.林秀芬(1989)。兒童虐待與疏忽問題之研究--由家庭結構之觀點探討(碩士論文)。中國文化大學。  延伸查詢new window
3.歐陽素鶯(1990)。對虐待兒童的行為界定之研究(碩士論文)。中國文化大學。  延伸查詢new window
4.Wu, D. Y. H.(1974)。An Immigrant Minority: The Adaptation of Chinese in Papua New Guinea(博士論文)。Austrilian National University,Canberra。  new window
5.Rodwell, M. K.(1988)。Policy Implications of the Multiple Meanings of Neglect: A Naturalistic Study of Child Neglect(博士論文)。University of Kansas,Lawrence。  new window
6.鄭瑞隆(1988)。我國兒童被虐待嚴重性之評估研究(碩士論文)。中國文化大學。  延伸查詢new window
7.黃千佑(1991)。虐待兒童的父母之社會心理探討(碩士論文)。東海大學。  延伸查詢new window
1.Helfer, R. W.、Kempe, R. S.、中華兒童福利基金會(1994)。受虐兒童--美國如何防治兒童受虐。台北:中華兒童福利基金會。  延伸查詢new window
2.Giovannoni, J. M.、Becerra, R. M.(1979)。Defining Child Abuse。New York:Free Press。  new window
3.王明仁、翁慧圓、何素秋(1991)。小兒科醫師對「兒童虐待問題」的認知、態度、意願之研究。台北:中華兒童福利基金會。  延伸查詢new window
4.Garbarino, J.、Guttmann, E.、Seeley, J. W.(1986)。The Psychologically Battered Child。San Francisco, CA:Jossey Bass Inc.。  new window
5.Wiehe, V. R.(1992)。Working with Child Abuse and Neglect。Itasca, IL:F. E. Peacock Publishers, Inc.。  new window
6.Butler-Sloss, E.(1988)。Report of the Enquiry into Child Abuse in Cleveland, 1987。London:HMSO。  new window
7.Costin, L. B.、Rapp, C. A.(1984)。Child Welfare: Policies and Practices。New York:McGraw-Hill Book Company。  new window
8.Fontana, V. J.(1983)。Somewhere A Child Is Crying。New York:New American Library。  new window
9.Heifer, Ray E.、Kempe, Ruth S.(1987)。The Battered Child。Chicago:University of Chicago Press。  new window
10.Hughes, W. H.、Patterson W. J.、Whalley, H. J.(1986)。Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Children's Homes and Hostels。Belfast:DHSS。  new window
11.Kalichman, S. C.(1993)。Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse: Ethics, Law, and Policy。Washington, DC:American Psychological Association。  new window
12.Kempe, R. S.、Kempe, C. H.(1978)。Child abuse。Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press。  new window
13.National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect(1979)。1978 Study Findings: National Study of Incidence and Severity of Child Abuse and Neglect。Washington, DC:DHEW。  new window
14.O'Hagan, K.(1993)。Emotional and Phychological Abuse of Children。Toronto:University of Toronto Press, Inc.。  new window
15.Pecora, P.、Whittaker, J.、Maluccio, A.、Barth, R.、Plotnick, R.(1992)。The Child Welfare Challenge: Policy, Practice, and Research。New York:Aldine de Gruyter。  new window
16.Levy, A.、Kahan, B.(1991)。The Pindown Experience and the Protection of Children: A Report of the Staffordshire Child Care Inquiry。Staffordshire:Staffordshire County Council。  new window
17.Finkelhor, David(1984)。Child sexual abuse: New theory and research。Free Press。  new window
18.Daro, D.(1988)。Confronting Child Abuse: Research for Effective Program Design。New York, NY:Free Press。  new window
19.中華兒童福利基金會(1990)。兒童保護實務:研討訓練專輯。臺中:中華兒童福利基金會。  延伸查詢new window
20.Moelis, C. S.(1989)。Abolishing Corporal Punishment in School: A Call to Action。Chicago:The National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse, The National Center on Child Abuse Pr。  new window
21.李欽湧(1988)。兒童保護要論--政策與實務。台中:中華兒童福利基金會。  延伸查詢new window
22.中華兒童福利基金會(1989)。受虐兒童--理論與處置。台中:中華兒童福利基金會。  延伸查詢new window
23.中華兒童福利基金會(1989)。暗中哭泣的小孩。台中:中華兒童福利基金會。  延伸查詢new window
24.Cooper, D. M.(1993)。Child abuse revisited: Children, society and social work。Philadelphia, PA:Open University Press。  new window
1.Wu, David Yen-Ho(1981)。Child Abuse in Taiwan。Child Abuse and Neglect: Cross-Cultural Perspectives。University of California Press。  new window
2.Browne, K.(1988)。The Nature of Child Abuse and Neglect: An Overview。Early Prediction and Prevention of Child Abuse。Chichester:John Wiley。  new window
3.Dingwall, R.(1989)。Problems about Predicting Child Abuse。Child Abuse. Hemel。Hemel Hempstead:Harvester。  new window
4.Gelles, R. J.(1982)。Problems in defining and Labeling Child Abuse。Child Abuse Prediction。Cambridge, MA:Ballinger Publishing。  new window
5.Zigler, E.(1980)。Controlling Child Abuse: Do We Have the Knowledge and/or the Will?。Child Abuse: An Agenda for Action。New York:Oxford University Press。  new window
6.Giovannoni, J. M.(1985)。Child Abuse and Neglect: An Overview。A Handbook of Child Welfare: Context, Knowledge, and Practice。New York:Free Press。  new window
7.Whittaker, J. K.(1987)。The Role of Residential Institutions。Special Children. Special Risks。Hawthorne, NY:Aldine de Gruyter。  new window
8.Zigler, E.、Hall, N. W.(1989)。Physical Child Abuse in America: Past, Present, and Future。Child Maltreatment: Theory and Research on the Causes and Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect。Cambridge, MA:Cambridge University Press。  new window
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