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1.(19731201)。科技研究機構圖書館館際合作辦法。中國圖書館學會會報,25,30-31。  延伸查詢new window
2.Neff, Evaline B.(1976)。Contracting in library networks。Special libraries,47(3),127-130。  new window
3.Schenk, Margaret T.(1976)。An academic science engineering library’s experience with a New York Loan Network,。Special libraries,67(516),239-242。  new window
4.Kilgour, Frederick G.(1979)。Interlibrary loans on-line。Library journal,104(4),460-463。  new window
5.Stuben, John.(1979)。Interlibrary loan of photocopies of articles under the new copyright law。Special libraries,70(5/6),227-232。  new window
6.Martin, Jenk.(1978)。Computer-based literature searching: impact on interlibrary loan service。Special libraries,69(1),1-6。  new window
7.Larson, Julian R.、Tannehill, Robert S.(1977)。Problems in accessing scientific and technical serials。Special libraries,68(718),241-251。  new window
8.Grattidge, Walter.(1978)。Information systems in engineering。Annual review of information science and technology,13,299-303。  new window
9.Brearley, Neil.(197311)。The role of technical reports in scientific and technical communication,。IEEE Transactions on professional communication,,16(3),117-119。  new window
10.Roark, Anne C.(1979)。Academic scientists eye the industry connection。Chronicle of higher education,18(10)。  new window
11.Doan Herbert D.(1978)。New arrangements for industry-academic research,。Research management,21(2),33-35。  new window
12.Ruzic, Neil.(1978)。How to tap NASA developed technology。Research management,21(6),38-40。  new window
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14.Bowes, T. L.(1979)。Patent system and antitrust law-are they compatible? Research management。Research management,,22(2),36-38。  new window
15.Doutlas, John H.(19760724)。Whatever happen to independent inventors?。Science news,110,60。  new window
16.Grosswirth, Marvin(197705)。Can inventions make you rich。Mechanix illustrated,73(588),30。  new window
17.McClure, Charles R.(1978)。Indexing U.S. government periodicals: analysis and comments。Government publications review,5(4),409-421。  new window
18.Hanson, W. T.Jr.(1978)。Planning R and D at Eastman Kodak。Research management,21(4),23-25。  new window
19.Kramen, Joseph.(1971)。How to survive in industry; cost justifying library service。Special libraries,62(11),487-498。  new window
20.(1979)。SLA salary survey。Special libraries,70(12),559-589。  new window
21.Brinton, James B.(1980)。R and D is a shrinking resource.。Electronics,53(2),81-92。  new window
22.White, Herbert S(1979)。Cost-effectiveness and cost benefit determinations,。Special libraries,70(4),163-169。  new window
23.藍乾章(1976)。輔仁大學圖書館學系。圖書館學與資訊科學,2(1)。  延伸查詢new window
24.Cveljo, Katherine(1979)。Business librarianship; information services and research,。Special libraries,70(8),320-327。  new window
25.Echelman, Shirley(1974)。Libraries are business, too,。Special libraries,65(10/11),409-414。  new window
26.Evans, G. Edward(1979)。Time for decision: yesterday, today, and tomorrow,。Special libraries,70(5/6),209-218。  new window
27.(1980)。Glut coming in MBA。Dun's Review,115(3),104。  new window
28.Learmont, Carol L.、Troiano, Richard(1979)。Placements and salaries 1978。Library journal,104(13),1415-1422。  new window
29.Preslan, Bruce(1979)。Bailing out.。Library journal,104(18),2165-2167。  new window
30.She, Tseng-Chee(1975)。he Science and Technology Information Center。National Science National Science Council,1(2)。  new window
31.Dodd, James B.(1974)。Pay-as-you-go plan for satellite industrial libraries using academic facilities。Special libraries,,65(2)。  new window
32.Dodd, James B.(1976)。Information brokers。Special libraries,67,243-250。  new window
33.Butler, Brett、Aveney, Brian、Scholz, William.(1978)。The conversion of manual catalogs to collection data bases.。Library technology reports,14(2),109-207。  new window
34.Doris, Bolef(1974)。Computer- output microfilm and Special libraries65(4),169-175。  new window
35.Freund, Clare E.(1977)。Catalog on microfiche at the Eastman Kodak Company。Speical libraries,68(11),375-382。  new window
36.Liu, Rosa(1979)。Telelibrary: library services via satellite。Special libraries,70(9),363-372。  new window
37.Savage, Noel(1979)。A national periodicals center, the debate in Arlington,。Library journal,104(10)。  new window
38.李德竹(19790400)。資料庫與線上檢索服務。圖書館學與資訊科學,5(1),79-103。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.Whitestone, Patricia(1977)。Photocopying, the librarians speak。White Plains, NY:Knowledge Industry。  new window
2.Magarrell, Jack.(1979)。Research libraries collections hit hard by inflation, Chronicle of higher education.。  new window
3.(1965)。Committee on Scientific and Technical Information,。Washington, D.C.:Recommendations for national document handling systems in science and technology.。  new window
4.Ammon-Wexler, Jill、Carmel, Cathrine.(1978)。Inforsources directory。Santa Cruz, CA:Mercury Communications Corporation.。  new window
5.Kase, Francis J.(1972)。Foreign Patents: a guide to Official patent literature.。Dobbs Ferry, NY:Oceana Publications。  new window
6.Yannarella, Philip A.、Aluri, Raocomp.。U.S. government scientific and technical periodicals.。Metuchen, NJ:Scarecrow Press。  new window
7.Strable, Edward G.(1966)。Special libraries: a guide for management。New York:Special Libraries Association。  new window
8.Batten, W.E.(1975)。Handbook of special librarianship and information work.。London:ASLIB。  new window
9.Battelle Memorial Institute Columbus Laboratorie(1979)。Final report on the manufacturing engineer-past, present, and future。Columbus, Ohio:Battele Columbus Laboratories。  new window
10.Information Industry Association.(1977)。Information sources, the membership directory of the Information Industry Association。Bethesda, MD.:IIA。  new window
11.Meyer, Richard W.(1978)。Computer output microfilms and library catalogs。Washington:Office of Education。  new window
12.Cox, Carolyn M.、Juergens, Bonnie.(1977)。Microform catalogs: a viable alternative for Texas libraries。Washington:Office of Education。  new window
13.Cravey, Randall.(1977)。Computer output microfilm (COM): an alternative to card catalogs for SOLINET members。Washington:Office of Education。  new window
14.Allen, Thomas J.(1977)。Managing the flow of technology。Cambridge, Massachusetts:MIT Press。  new window
1.魏克威(1977)。中央科技資料系統之建立與遠景。  延伸查詢new window
2.魏克威(1979)。科學技術發展方案要點。  延伸查詢new window
3.吳大猷(1979)。我國的科學發展問題,中央日報。  延伸查詢new window
4.(1980)。擴大獎勵投資條例範圍,考慮增列科技研究發展,世界日報。  延伸查詢new window
5.周駿富(1976)。國立台灣大學圖書館學系-- 十四年來圖書館敎育的回顧與展望。  延伸查詢new window
6.(1979)。管理科學會昨舉行大會,孫院長致書面講辭,中央日報。  延伸查詢new window
7.洪兆鉞(1978)。專門圖書館的經營與管理,中央日報。  延伸查詢new window
8.(1979)。電信局與美國公司合作供應百科資料,中央日報。  延伸查詢new window
9.石義行(1980)。我國科技研究發展,中央日報。  延伸查詢new window
10.周利納。中華民國科技圖書館及資料單位館際合作組織發展的幾個問題探討。  延伸查詢new window
1.Association of American Publishers and the Authors League of Authors League of America,(1978)。Photocopying by corporate libraries,。Information times。  new window
2.Betty, Miller、Susan L, Rau(1977)。Investigation of the index lag of Engineering Index and Electrical and Electronic Abstracts,。Information management in the 1980s: Proceedings of the 40th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science,。Chicago. White Plain, NY,:Knowledge Industry Publications。  new window
3.Wyatt, Brad(1979)。UA promotes patent file as R and D resource,。Industrial research/development。  new window
4.Abbott, Langer、Associates, Park Forest(1979)。I11. U.S. membership salary and fringe benefit survey。IEEE。New York:IEEE。  new window
5.Atherton, Pauline、Christian, Roger W.(1977)。Librarians and online services。White Plains, NY。Knowledge Industry Publications。  new window
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