

作者:楊國樞 引用關係
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1.朱真茹、楊國樞(1976)。個人現代性與相對作業量對報酬分配行為的影響。中央研究院民族學研究所集刊,41,79-95。  延伸查詢new window
2.Berry, J. W.(1966)。Temne--Eskimo spatial perceptual skills。International Journal of Psychology,1,106-108。  new window
3.Berry. H.、Child, I.、Bacon, M.(1959)。Relation of child train in g to subsistence economy。American Anthropologist,61,51-63。  new window
4.Dawson, J. I. M.(1967)。Cultural and physiological influences on spatial-- perceptual processes in West Africa。International Journal of Psychology,2,171-185。  new window
5.DeVos, R. P.(1965)。Achievement orientation, social self-identity, and Japanese economic growth。Asian Survey,5,575-589。  new window
6.Kubany, E. S.、Gallimore, B.、Buell, J.(1970)。The effects of extrinsic factors on achivementoriented behavior : A non--Western case。Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology,1,77-84。  new window
7.Maslow, A. H.(1943)。The authoritarian character structure。Journal of Social Psychology,18,401-411。  new window
8.MeClelland, D. C.(1963)。Motivational pattern s in Southeast Asia with special reference to the Chinese case。Journal of Social Issues,19,6-19。  new window
9.Parker, S.(1962)。Eskimo psychopathology in the context of Eskimo personality and culture。American Anthropologist,64,76-96。  new window
10.Walster, E.、Berscheid, E. B.、Walster, G. W.(1973)。New directions in equity research。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,25,151-176。  new window
11.Yang, K. S.、Liang, W. H. M.。Some correlates of achievem ent m otivation among Chinese high-school boys。Acta Psyckologica Taitvanica,15,59-67。  new window
12.Karsh, B.、Cole, R. E.(1968)。Industrialism and the convergence hypothesis: Some aspects of contemporary Japan。Journal of Social Issues,24,45-64。  new window
13.Dawson, J. I. M.。Cultural and physiological influences on spatial- perceptual processes in West Africa。International Journal of Psychology,3,171-185。  new window
14.Singh, Paras Nath、Huang, Sophia Chang、Thompson, George G.(1962)。A comparative study of selected attitudes, values, and personality characteristics of American, Chinese, and Indian students。Journal of Social Psychology,57,123-132。  new window
1.Bond, M. H.、Lee, P. W. H.(1978)。Face Saving in Chinese Culture: A Discussion and Experim ental Study of Hong Kong Students(碩士論文)。Chinese University of Hong Kong。  new window
2.Yang, K. S.(1975)。Two Kindsof Achievement Motivation: A Conceptual Analysis(學士論文)。National Taiwan University。  new window
3.陳義彥(1977)。臺灣地區大學生政治社會化之研究(博士論文)。國立政治大學。  延伸查詢new window
1.Abbott, K. A.(1970)。Harmony and Individualism。Taipei:The Orient Cultural Service。  new window
2.Allport, G. W.(1961)。Pattern and G row thjn Personality。New Y ork:Holt, Rinehart and Winston。  new window
3.Homans, G. C.(1961)。Social Behavior: Its Elem entary Forms。New York:Harcourt, B ace and World。  new window
4.Hsu, F. L. K.(1973)。Americans and Chinese: Reflections on Two Cultures and Their People。Garden City, N. Y.:Doubleday Natural History Press。  new window
5.Kerr, C.、Dunlop, J. T.、Harbison, F.、Meyers, C. A.(1964)。Industrialism and Industrial Man。New York:Oxford niversity Press。  new window
6.Suchman, E. A.(1958)。Desegregation: Some Propositions and Research Suggestions。New York:Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith。  new window
7.Adorno, T. W.、Frenkel-Brunswik, E.、Levinson, D. J.、Sanford, R. W.(1950)。The Authoritarian Personality。New York:Harper。  new window
8.Parsons, Talcott(1951)。The Social System。Free Press。  new window
9.McClelland, D. C.、Atkinson, J. W.、Clark, R. A.、Lowell, E. L.(1953)。The Achievement motive。Appleton-Century-Crofts。  new window
1.胡佛(1976)。我國大學生對民主與法治的態度。  延伸查詢new window
2.胡佛,楊國樞(1977)。人格特質、功效意識與權力價値取向的分析。  延伸查詢new window
1.Dawson, J. I. M.(1972)。Effects of ecology and subjective culture on individual m otivation for economic developm ent in subsistence societies。  new window
1.楊國樞(1978)。從中國人的性格看民主在中國的前途。現代社會的心理適應。臺北:巨流圖書公司。  延伸查詢new window
2.楊國樞(1981)。中國人性格與行為的形成及蛻變。我國社會的變遷與發展。臺北:三民書局。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.楊國樞、瞿海源(1974)。中國「人」的現代化有關個人現代性的研究。中國人的現代化。高雄:衆成出版社。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.Hsu, F. L. K.(1961)。Kinship and ways of life: An exploration。Psychological Anthropology: Approaches to Culture and Personality。Homewood, Ill:Dorsey Press。  new window
5.Hsu, F. L. K.(1971)。A hypothesis of kinship and culture。Kinship and Culture。Chicago:Aldine。  new window
6.李美枝、楊國樞(1972)。中國大學生的價值觀。中國人的性格。臺北南港:中央研究院民族學研究所。  延伸查詢new window
7.Adams, John Stacey(1965)。Inequity in social exchange。Advances in experimental social psychology。Academic Press。  new window
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