

作者:王沂釗 引用關係
書刊名:正向心理學;張傳琳 (主編)
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1.王沂釗(2005)。幽谷中的曙光--正向心理學發展與希望理論在輔導上的應用。教育研究月刊,134,106-117。  延伸查詢new window
2.王沂釗(20070400)。下課後的希望。學生輔導雙月刊,103,95-100。  延伸查詢new window
3.黃德祥、謝龍卿、秀宜、洪佩圓(2003)。國小、國中與高中學希望、樂觀與學期成就之相關研究。彰化師大教育學報,5,33-61。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.Herth, K. A.(1989)。The relationship between level of hope and level of coping response and other variables in patient with cancer。Oncology Nursing Forum,16,67-72。  new window
5.Snyder, C. R.(1989)。Reality negotiation: From excuse to hope and beyond。Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology,8,130-157。  new window
6.Snyder, C. R.(1995)。Conceptualizing, measuring, and nurturing hope。Journal of Counseling and Development,73,355-360。  new window
7.Snyder, C. R.(2000)。The past and possible futures of hope。Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology,19(1),11-28。  new window
8.Snyder, C. R.(2004)。Hope and depression: A light in the darkness。Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology,23,347。  new window
9.Snyder, C. R.(2004)。Hope and the other strengths: Lessons from animal farm。Jouiml of Social and Clinical Psychology,23,624-627。  new window
10.Snyder, C. R.、Feldman, D. B.、Shorey, H. S.、Rand, K. L.(2002)。Hopeful choices: A school counselor’s guide to hope theory。Professional School Counseling,5,298-307。  new window
11.Snyder, C. R.、Hoza, B.、Pelham, W. E.、Rapoff, M.、Ware, L.、Danovsky, M.、Highberger, L.、Rubinstein, H.、Stahl, K.(1997)。The development and validation of the Children's Hope Scale。Journal of Pediatric Psychology,22,399-421。  new window
12.Snyder, C. R.、Rand, K.、King, E.、Feldman, D.、Taylor, J.(2002)。False hope。Journal of Clinical Psychology,58,1003-1022。  new window
13.Snyder, C. R.、Wiklund, C.、Shorey, H. S.、Cheavens, J.、Pulvers, K. M.、Adams III, V. H.(2002)。Hope and academic success in college。Journal of Educational psychology,94,820-826。  new window
14.Westburg, N. G.(2003)。The Relationship Between a Child’s Hope, a Parent’s Hope, and Student-Directed, Goal-Oriented Academic Instruction。Jounml of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development,42,152-164。  new window
15.Chang, E.-C.(1998)。Hope, problem-solving ability, and coping in a college student population: Some implications for theory and practice。Journal of Clinical Psychology,54(7),953-962。  new window
16.Pajares, F.(2001)。Toward a positive psychology of academic motivation。The Journal of Educational Research,95,27-35。  new window
17.Curry, L. A.、Snyder, C. R.、Cook, D. L.、Ruby, B. C.、Rehm, M.(1997)。Role of hope in academic and sport achievement。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,73(6),1257-1267。  new window
18.Nowotny, M. L.(1989)。Assessment of hope in patients with cancer: development of an instrument。Oncology Nursing Forum,16(1),57-61。  new window
19.Herth, K.(1990)。Fostering hope in terminally-ill people。Journal of Advanced Nursing,15(11),1250-1259。  new window
20.陳建瑋、季力康(20091200)。2×2目標取向與希望對大專運動員競賽壓力因應策略之預測。體育學報,42(4),71-86。new window  延伸查詢new window
21.Bandura, Albert(1977)。Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change。Psychological Review,84(2),191-215。  new window
22.Snyder, C. R.、Harris, C.、Anderson, J. R.、Holleran, S. A.、Irving, L. M.、Sigmon, S. T.、Yoshinobu, L.、Gibb, J.、Langelle, C.、Harney, P.(1991)。The will and the ways: Development and validation of an individual-differences measure of hope。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,60(4),570-585。  new window
23.Snyder, C. R.、Lopez, S. J.、Shorey, H. S.、Rand, K. L.、Feldman, D. B.(2003)。Hope theory, measurements and applications to school psychology。School Psychology Quarterly,18(2),122-139。  new window
24.楊瑞珠、連廷嘉(20040300)。臺灣都會區高危險群青少年流行率之調查研究。屏東師院學報,20,105-140。new window  延伸查詢new window
25.Snyder, C. R.(2002)。TARGET ARTICLE: Hope Theory: Rainbows in the Mind。Psychological Inquiry,13(4),249-275。  new window
26.Park, N.、Peterson, C.、Seligman, M. E. P.(2004)。Strengths of Character and Well-Being。Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology,23(5),603-619。  new window
27.Snyder, C. R.、Sympson, S. C.、Ybasco, F. C.、Borders, T. F.、Babyak, M. A.、Higgins, R. L.(1996)。Development and validation of the State Hope Scale。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,70(2),321-335。  new window
1.王沂釗(2007)。花蓮教育大學學生學習困擾、希望感與身心適應的相關調查研究。東部教育論壇,花蓮教育大學 。  延伸查詢new window
1.李怡娟(2000)。初診斷癌症希望形成過程之初探 (計畫編號:NSC92-2413-H-010-463)。  延伸查詢new window
2.唐淑華(2004)。希望感的提升--另一個進行情意教育的取向 (計畫編號:NSC 92-2413-H-259-001)。  延伸查詢new window
3.曾君瑜(2006)。運用希望感來改善被同儕排斥兒童之人際關係之效果研究 (計畫編號:95-2815-C-026-012-H)。  延伸查詢new window
4.曾君瑜(2007)。運用希望感來改善被同儕排斥兒童之人際關係效果研究 (計畫編號:95-2815-C-026-012-H)。  延伸查詢new window
1.高翡勵(2003)。接受胃切除胃癌病人的症狀嚴重度、不確定感與希望狀態之探討(碩士論文)。臺北醫學大學。  延伸查詢new window
2.陳秀勤(1995)。血液腫瘤住院患者之希望、社會支持與人口學特性(碩士論文)。高雄醫學院。  延伸查詢new window
3.李怡蓉(2004)。台灣南部公立安養機構老人之自尊、社會支持與希望(碩士論文)。高雄醫學大學。  延伸查詢new window
4.許芳菱(2010)。應用希望感理論體重控制團體對女大學生生理指標及身體意象之影響(碩士論文)。國立東華大學。  延伸查詢new window
5.游淑貞(2004)。輔導介入對非行少年不再犯之影響研究(碩士論文)。國立彰化師範大學。  延伸查詢new window
6.楊均典(2001)。住院之精神分裂症患者靈性、寂寞感及希望之相關探討(碩士論文)。慈濟大學。  延伸查詢new window
1.Seligman, M. E. P.(1991)。Leaimd Optimism。New York:Knopf。  new window
2.Seligman, M. E. P.、Reivich, K.、Jaycox, L.、Gillham, J.(1995)。The Optimistic Child。New York:Houghton-Mifflin。  new window
1.Snyder, C. R.、Ilardi, S.、Michael, S. T.、Cheavens, F.(2000)。Hope theory: Updating a common process for psychological change。Handbook of Psychological Change。New York:John Wiley & Sons。  new window
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