

作者:陳祥水 引用關係
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1.Ablon, Joan(1971)。The Social Organization of an Urban Samoan Community。Southwestern Journal of Anthropology,27,75-96。  new window
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6.Baddeley, Josephine(1977)。The Church and the Coffeehouse: Alternative Strategies of Urban Adaptation among Greek Migrants to Auckland。Urban Anthropology,6,217-236。  new window
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10.Bonacich, Edna(1973)。A Theory of Middleman Minorities。American Sociological Review,38,583-594。  new window
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21.King, Haitung、Locks, Frances(1980)。Chinese in the United States: A Century of Occupational Transition。International Migration Review,14,15-24。  new window
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23.Light, Ivan、Wong, Charles Choy(1975)。Protest or Work: Dilemmas of the Tourist Industry in American Chinatowns。American Journal of Sociology,80,1342-1368。  new window
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33.Sanjek, Roger(1978)。A Network Method and Its Uses in Urban Ethnography。Human Organization,37,257-258。  new window
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2.Sung, Betty Lee(1983)。The Adjustment Experience of Chinese Immigrant Children in New York City(博士論文)。The City University of New York。  new window
3.Wong, Bernard(1974)。Patronage, Brokerage, Entrepreneurship and the Chinese Community of New York(博士論文)。University of Wisconsin。  new window
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23.Gates, Hill(1987)。Chinese Working-class Lives。Ithaca:Cornell University Press。  new window
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34.Wolf, Eric(1966)。Kinship, Friendship and Patron-client Relations in Complex Societies。The Social Anthropology of Complex Societies。Condon:Tavistock。  new window
35.Yin, Alexander(1981)。Voluntary Association and Rural-urban Migration。The Anthropology of Taiwanese Society。Stanford:Stanford University Press。  new window
36.Gates, Hill(1981)。Ethnicity and Social Class。The Anthropology of Taiwanese Society。Stanford, California:Stanford University Press。  new window
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