

作者:謝世忠 引用關係
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1.Diamond, Norma(1988)。The Miao and Poison: Interactions on China's Southwest Frontier。Ethnology,27(1),1-25。  new window
2.Mckay, James、Lewins, Frank(1978)。Ethnicity and the Ethnic Group: A Conceptual Analysis and Reformulation。Ethnic and Racial Studies,1(4),412-427。  new window
3.Kesmanee, Chupinit(1988)。Hilltribe Relocation Policy in Thailand。Cultural Survival Quarterly,12(4),2-6。  new window
4.Marks, Thomas A.(1973)。The Meo Hill Tribe Problem。Asian Survey,13(10),929-944。  new window
5.呂延壽、鄒曉辛(1988)。基督教的傳播與近代貴州少數民族社會變遷。中央民族學院學報,1988(6),33-37。  延伸查詢new window
6.張恩耀(1988)。基督教是怎麼傳入黔西北、滇東北苗族地區的。民族研究,1,94-101。  延伸查詢new window
7.楊世章(1987)。黃平服飾現況一瞥。民族文化,5,57-58。  延伸查詢new window
8.Cohen, Erik(1989)。International Politics and the Transformation of Folk Crafts: The Hmong (Meo) of Thailand and Laos。Journal of the Siam Society,77(1),69-83。  new window
9.Gunn, Geoffrey C.(1986)。Shamans and Rebels: the Batchai (Meo) Rebellion of Northern Laos and North-west Vietnam (1918-21)。Journal of the Siam Society,74,107-121。  new window
10.Schein, Louisa(1985)。Miao/Hmong Textile Arts: Costume and Commerce。Focus on Asian Studies,4(3),4-13。  new window
11.Scott, George M. Jr.(1987)。The Lao Hmong Refugees in San Diego: their Religious Transformation and Its Implications for Geertz's Thesis。Ethnic Studies Report,5(2),32-46。  new window
12.Scott, George M. Jr.(1988)。To Catch or Not to Catch a Thief: A Case of Bride Theft among the Lao Hmong Refugees in Southern California。Ethnic Groups,7,137-151。  new window
13.謝世忠(19940100)。「內部殖民主義」與「對內自決」的對立:泰國國族--國家建構過程中的北部山地族群。山海文化雙月刊,2,17-27。  延伸查詢new window
14.Tapp, Nicholas(1989)。The Impact of Missionary Christianity upon Marginalized Ethnic Minorities: The Case of the Hmong。Journal of Southeast Asian Studies,20(1),70-95。  new window
1.嚴如煜(1820)。苗防備覽。  延伸查詢new window
2.Keyes, Charles F.(1987)。Thailand: Buddhist Kingdom as Modern Nation-State。Boulder:Westvies Press。  new window
3.陳永齡(1987)。民族詞典。上海:上海辭書出版社。  延伸查詢new window
4.Geddes, W. R.(1976)。Migrants of the Mountains: The Cultural Ecology of the Blue Miao (Hmong Njua) of Thailand。Oxford:Clarendon Press。  new window
5.Hudspeth, Will Harrison(1937)。Stone Gateway and the Flowery Miao。London:The Cargate Press。  new window
6.Pollard, Samuel(1919)。The Story of the Miao。London。  new window
7.Pollard, Samuel(1921)。Tight Comers in China。London:Andrew Crombie。  new window
1.書啟光(1986)。黔滇川邊區苗族信仰基督教試析。宗教與民族研究資料選輯。北京:中國社會科學院民族研究所民族理論室。  延伸查詢new window
2.張春樹(19900000)。晚明之「黔亂」與其歷史意義--兼論朱燮元之安撫元之安撫方略。人類學研究:慶祝芮逸夫教授九秩華誕論文集。臺北:南天書局。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.劉稚(1989)。雲南與東南亞跨境民族的源與流。雲南與東南亞關係論叢。昆明:雲南人民出版社。  延伸查詢new window
4.Barney, G. Linwood(1967)。The Meo of Xieng Khouang Province, Laos。Southeast Asian Tribes, Minorities, and Nations。Princeton:Princeton University Press。  new window
5.Donnelly, Nancy D.(1986)。Factors Contributing to a Split within a Clientelistic Needlework Cooperative Engaged in Refugee Resettlement。The Hmong in Transition。New York:Center for Migration Studies of New York Inc。  new window
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