

書刊名:性別向度與臺灣社會;黃淑玲, 游美惠 (主編)
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7.Eagly, A. H.、Mladinic, A.、Otto, S.(1991)。Are women evaluated more favorably than men: An analysis of attitudes, beliefs, and emotions。Psychology of Women Quarterly,15,203-216。  new window
8.Eastwick, P. W.(2006)。Is traditional gender ideology associated with sex-typed mate preferences? A test in nine nations。Sex Roles,54(9),603-614。  new window
9.Glick, P.、Fiske, S. T.(1997)。Hostile and benevolent sexism: Measuring ambivalent sexist attitudes toward women。Psychology of Women Quarterly,21(1),119-135。  new window
10.Glick, Peter、Fiske, Susan T.、Mladinic, Antonio、Saiz, José L.、Abrams, Dominic、Masser, Barbara、López, Wilson López、Adetoun, Bolanle(2000)。Beyond prejudice as simple antipathy: Hostile and benevolent sexism across cultures。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,79(5),763-775。  new window
11.Glick, P.(2004)。Bad but bold: Ambivalent attitudes toward men predict gender inequality in 16 nations。Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,86(5),713-728。  new window
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16.莊耀嘉(20020600)。擇偶條件與性心理之性別差異:演化論的檢驗。中華心理學刊,44(1),75-93。new window  延伸查詢new window
17.Bem, Sandra L.(1974)。The measurement of psychological androgyny。Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,42(2),155-162。  new window
18.黃囇莉、張錦華(20050900)。臺灣民眾的身體意象及其預測因子:人際壓力、媒體信任作為中介變項。中華心理學刊,47(3),269-287。new window  延伸查詢new window
19.李美枝、鍾秋玉(19961200)。性別與性別角色析論。本土心理學研究,6,260-299。new window  延伸查詢new window
20.李美枝(19960600)。兩性關係的社會生物學原型在傳統中國與今日臺灣的表現型態。本土心理學研究,5,114-174。new window  延伸查詢new window
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24.Caporael, L. R.、Brewer, M. B.(1991)。Reviving evolutionary psychology: Biology meets society。Journal of social issues,47(3),187-195。  new window
25.Rapoport, A.(1991)。Ideology commitments in evolutionary theories。Journal of social issues,47(3),83-99。  new window
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2.塗沅澂(2002)。個體對同性戀所持態度之外顯測量與內隱測量比較(碩士論文)。輔仁大學。  延伸查詢new window
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4.Hofstede, G.、Arrindell, W. A.、Best, D. L.(1998)。Masculinity and femininity: The taboo dimension of national cultures。Thousand Oaks, CA:Sage。  new window
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1.李美枝(1984)。性別刻板印象的研究。女性心理學。台北:大洋。  延伸查詢new window
2.黃曬莉(2004)。性與性別的光譜:演化心理學與社會建構論之間。性與性別。台北:巨流。  延伸查詢new window
3.Eagly, A. H.、Mladinic, A.(1994)。Are people prejudiced against women? Some answers from research on attitudes, gender stereotypes and judgments of competence。European Review of Social Psychology。New York:Wiley。  new window
4.Eagly, A. H.、Wood, W.、Diekman, A. B.(2000)。Social sole theory of sex differences and similarities: A current appraisal。The developmental social psychology of gender。Mahwah, NJ:Erlbaum。  new window
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