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1.Bimber, Bruce(2000)。The Study of Information Technology and Civic Engagement。Political Communication,17(4),329-333。  new window
2.Carlson, Tom、Djupsund, Goran(2001)。Old wine in new bottles?: The 1999 Finnish election campaign on the Internet。Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics,6(1),68-87。  new window
3.Klinenberg, Eric、Perrin, Andrew(2000)。Symbolic politics in the information age: The 1996 Republican presidential campaigns in cyberspace。Information, Communication & Society,3(1),17-38。  new window
4.Friedland, Lewis A.(1996)。Electronic Democracy and the New Citizenship。Media, Culture & Society,18(2),185-212。  new window
5.Hacker, Kenneth L.(1996)。Missing Links in the Evolution of Electronic Democratization。Media, Culture & Society,18(2),213-232。  new window
6.Norris, Pippa、Jones, David(1998)。Virtual Democracy。Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics,3(2),1-4。  new window
7.Jameson, Fredric(1984)。Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism。New Left Review,146,53-92。  new window
8.Hill, Kevin A.、Huges, John E.(1997)。Computer-Mediated Political Communication: The USENET and Political Communication。Political Communication,14,3-27。  new window
9.Owen, Diana、Davis, Richard、Strickler, Vincent James(1999)。Congress and the Internet。Press/Politics,4(2),10-29。  new window
10.Rice, Ronald E.(1986)。Issues and Concepts in Research on Computer-Mediated Communication Systems。Communication Yearbook,12,436-476。  new window
11.Stromer-Galley, Jennifer(2000)。On-Line Interation and Why Candidates Avoid It。Journal of Communication,50(4),111-132。  new window
12.Tambini, Damian(1999)。New media and democracy--The civic networking movement。New media and Society,1(3),305-329。  new window
13.Betts, M.(19950717)。Politics blazing cyberspace trail。Computerworld,1-14。  new window
14.Blendon, Rober J.、Benson, J. M.、Morin, R.、Altman, D. E.、Brodie, M.、Brossard, M.、James, M.(1997)。Did the Media Leave the Voters Uniformed in the 1996 Election?。Press/Politics,3(2),121-130。  new window
15.Browning, G.(1995)。Congress。The National Journal,27(13),794。  new window
16.Gibson, Rachel K.、Ward, Stephen J.(1998)。U. K. Political Parties and the Internet 'Politics as Usual' in the New Media?。Press/Politics,3(2),14-38。  new window
17.Holdren, J.(1995)。Cyber Soapbox。Internet World,50-52。  new window
18.MargoIis, Michael、Resnick, David、Tu, Chin-Chang(1997)。Campaigning on the Internet: Parties and Candidates on the World Wide Web in the 1996 Primary Season。Press/Politics,2(1),59-78。  new window
19.Mayers, D. D.(1993)。New technology and the 1992 Clinton presidential campaign。American behavioral scientist,37(2)。  new window
20.Ornstein, Norman、Schenkenberg, Amy(1996)。Democracy on the Line。The American Enterprise,7(2),53-54。  new window
21.O'Sullivan, Patrick B.(1995)。Computer Networks and Political Participation: Santa Monica's Teledemocracy Project。Journal of Applied Communication Research,23(2),93-107。  new window
22.RubeI, C.(1995)。TV still powerful, but web sites offer new stump for polls。Marketing News,29(18),1-6。  new window
23.Schweiger, Wolfgang(2000)。Media Credibility--Experience or Image? A Survey on the Credibility of the World Web in Germany in Comparison to Other Media。European Journal of Communication,15(1),37-59。  new window
24.Tumber, Howard、Bromley, Michael(1998)。Virtual Soundbites: Political Communication in Cyberspace。Media, Culture & Society,20(1),159-167。  new window
25.Webster, J.(1995)。What Do We Know about Gender and Information Technology at Work: A Discussion of Selected Feminist Research。European Journal of Women's Studies,2,315-334。  new window
26.Warnick, Barbara(1998)。Appearance or Reality? Political Parody on the Web in Campaign'96。Critical Studies in Mass Communication,15,306-324。  new window
27.Wu, Wei、Weaver, David(1998)。On-Line Democracy or On-Line Demagoguery? Public Opinion 'Polls' on the Internet。Press/Politics,2(4),71-86。  new window
28.Bimber, Bruce(1999)。The Internet and Citizen Communication with Government: Does the Medium Matter?。Political Communication,16(4),409-428。  new window
29.Johnson, Thomas J.、Kaye, Barara K.(1998)。Cruising is Believing: Comparing Internet and Traditional Sources on Media Credibility Measure。Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly,75(2),325-340。  new window
30.Klotz, Robert(1998)。Virtual Criticism: Negative Advertising on the Internet in the 1996 Senate Races。Political Communication,15(3),347-365。  new window
1.Bucy, Erik Page(1995)。Where interactivity resides: an agenda for "new media" research in political campaigns。The Annual Conference of International Communication Association。Albuquerque, New Mexico。  new window
2.McKeown, Carol Anne、Plowman, Kenneth D.(1998)。Reaching Publics on the Web During the 1996 Presidential Campaign。The Annual Conference of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication。  new window
1.Arterton, F. C.(1987)。Teledemocracy: can technology protect democracy?。Sage。  new window
2.Casey, Chris(1996)。The Hill on the Net: Congress Enters the Information Age。Chestnut Hill, MA:Academic Press, Inc.。  new window
3.Selnow, G. W.(1994)。High-Tech Campaigns。Westport, CT:Praeger Press。  new window
4.Selnow, Gary W.(1998)。Electronic Whistle-Stops: The Impact of the Internet on American Politics。Westport, Conn:Praeger。  new window
5.張志偉(2000)。網路民主。台北:城邦文化。  延伸查詢new window
6.Turkle, S.(1995)。Life On The Screen: Identity In The Age Of The Internet。New York:Touchstone, Simon & Schuster。  new window
1.Balz, D.(19950529)。Taking the Race to Cyberspace: GOP presidential candidates tangle on the web。  new window
1.Norris, Pippa(1999)。Who Surfs? New Technology, Old Voters, and Virtual Democracy。Democracy.Com?: Governance in a Networked World。Hollis Publishing Company。  new window
2.Stromer-Gallery, J.、Jamieson, Kathleen Hall(2001)。The Transformation of Political Leadership?。New Media and Politics。Sage Publications。  new window
3.Kamarck, Elaine Ciulla(1999)。Campaigning on the Internet in the Elections of 1998。Democracy.com: Governance in a Networked World。Hollis Publishing Company。  new window
4.Whillock, Rita Kirk(1998)。Digital Democracy: The 1996 Presidential Campaign On-Line。The 1996 Presidential Campaign: A Communication Perspective。Westport, Conn.:Praeger。  new window
5.Coyle, K.(1996)。How hard can it be?。Wired Women: Gender and New Realities in Cyberspace。Seattle, WA:Seal Press。  new window
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