

主題關鍵詞:霍桑歷史哲學辯證發展美國內戰HawthornePhilosophy of historyDialectical developmentAmerican Civil War
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In The House of the Seven Gables,Hawthorne creates a happy ending,and thus reveals not only the imaginary dimension of his Romance but also his philosophy of history:though histories experienced by people can be devious,tortuous and inscrutable,they will in fact at a higher level provide a benevolent pattern; only by holding fast to the Providence and becoming initiative can human beings contribute to the historical development in a spiral,dialectical way on the basis of gradualism. Moreover,Hawthorne illuminates the realistic dimension of his Romance in The House of the Seven Gables. Confronted with the impending clouds of the Civil War,Hawthorne expresses his concern for his motherland and tries to admonish his contemporaries that only by reaffirming their faith in the Providence and preserving the incarnation of God’s will,the American Constitution,can they avoid the Civil War and keep the motherland as a whole.
1.方文開(2007)。霍桑與浪漫主義反諷。外語研究,2007(6),89-93。  延伸查詢new window
2.Fogle, Richard Harter(1976)。Hawthorne, History, and the Human Heart。Clio,5(2),175-180。  new window
3.尚曉進(2009)。改革時代與田園牧歌--談歷史語境中的〈七個尖角閣的宅子〉。上海大學學報(社會科學版),2009(6),131-142。  延伸查詢new window
4.尚曉進(2008)。清教主義與假面劇--談霍桑創作前期的宗教思想。解放軍外國語學院學報,2008(2),89-93。  延伸查詢new window
5.Yoder, R. A.(1974)。Transcendental Conservatism and 'The House of the Seven Gables'。The Georgia Review,28(1),33-51。  new window
6.張和聲(1988)。評喬治• 班克羅夫特的歷史觀及其代表作〈美國史〉。史林,1988(2),138-144。  延伸查詢new window
1.Alvis, John E.(2014)。Nathaniel Hawthorne as Political Philosopher: Revolutionary Principles Domesticated and Personalized。New Brunswick:Transaction Publishers。  new window
2.Berlin, Isaiah(2014)。Freedom and Its Betrayal: Six Enemies of Human Liberty。Princeton:Princeton UP。  new window
3.Bercovitch, Sacvan(2013)。The Office of The Scarlet Letter。New Brunswick:Transaction Publishers。  new window
4.Bercovitch, Sacvan(1993)。Rites of Assent: Transformation in the Symbolic Construction of America。New York:Routledge。  new window
5.Colacurcio, Michael J.(1995)。The Province of Piety: Moral History in Hawthorne's Early Tales。Durham:Duke UP。  new window
6.Corwin, Edward S.(2008)。The "Higher Law" Background of American Constitutional Law。Indianapolis:Liberty Fund Inc。  new window
7.Crowley, Joseph Donald(1970)。Hawthorne: The Critical Heritage。London:Routledge & Kegan Paul Limited。  new window
8.代顯梅(2013)。超驗主義時代的旁觀者--霍桑思想研究。北京:社會科學文獻出版社。  延伸查詢new window
9.Donohue, Agnes McNeill(1985)。Hawthorne: Calvin's Ironic Stepchild。Kent, Ohio:Kent State UP。  new window
10.Fick, Father Leonard John(1955)。The Light Beyond: A Study of Hawthorne's Theology。Westminster, Maryland:Newman。  new window
11.Folsom, James K.(1963)。Man's Accidents and God's Purposes: Multiplicity in Hawthorne's Fiction。New Haven:College and UP。  new window
12.Hawthorne, Nathaniel(1983)。Collected Novels。New York:The Library of America。  new window
13.Hawthorne, Nathaniel、Charvat, William(1995)。Miscellaneous Prose and Verse。Columbus:Ohio State UP。  new window
14.Hegel, G. W. Friedrich、Baillie, J. B.(2009)。The Phenomenology of Spirit。New York:Digireads.com Publishing。  new window
15.Loggins, Vernon(1951)。The Hawthornes。New York:Columbia UP。  new window
16.Waggoner, Hyatt H.(1963)。Hawthorne: A Critical Study。Cambridge:The Belknap Press of Harvard UP。  new window
1.Hawthorne, Julian(2007)。Hawthorne's Last Years。Hawthorne in His Own Time。Iowa City:U of Iowa P。  new window
2.Lathrop, George Parsons(2007)。From A Study of Hawthorne。Hawthorne in His Own Time。Iowa City:U of Iowa P。  new window
3.Pierce, Franklin(2009)。Inaugural Address。U.S. Presidential Inaugural Addresses from Washington to Obama。Auckland:The Floating Press。  new window
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