

主題關鍵詞:社會計算偏好挖掘用戶生成內容飲食偏好飲食屬性Social computingPreference miningUser generated contentDietary preferencesDietary aspects
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[Objective] This study investigates the dietary preferences of Chinese users from different regions to reveal the differences of dietary culture among them, and then provides suggestion to the catering industry. [Context] It took researchers long period of time to collect small amount of data of dietary preferences. With the development of social media, we could retrieve large-scale dietary information more effectively. [Methods] We collected user-generated content(UGC) from Dianping.com to explore their dietary preferences. [Results] Users’ dietary preferences were very different in the developed regions. Meanwhile, there was significant negative correlation between geographic distances and the similarities of users’ dietary preferences. Finally, users paid more attention to the taste, service and environment of the restaurants. [Conclusions] Research based on the user-generated content can reflect their dietary preferences and reveal the differences of dietary cultures.
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