

主題關鍵詞:互聯網+科學數據圖書館服務模型Internet +Research dataLibraryService model
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[Purpose/significance]The advent of data-intensive scientific paradigm has evoked researchers' needs for scientific data service. The features of integration and connection included in"Internet + "show the way to develop scientific data service of libraries. [Method/process] By using methods of document inquisition and online research, the paper firstly analyzes how"Internet + "actively affects the development of libraries, and then summarizes the present researches on scientific data service of libraries both in home and abroad. The paper discussed the new development of libraries' scientific data service under the influence by"Internet + "from five aspects: infrastructure fusion, data resource fusion,application platform fusion, service fusion and organization reform. [Result/conclusion] The model of libraries' scientific data service from the perspective of"Internet + "is put forward.
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