

主題關鍵詞:突發危機非官方正能量信息傳播影響因素Crisis communicationPositive online informationPropagation forceData mining
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During the crisis communication, the positive online information can’t have much greater influence to the public. Based on the "Social-Mediated Crisis Communication Model"(SCCM), this study investigates the factors that influence positive online information communication. We extract 30 days data of each 4 public crises from the online platform and the keywords of positive online information. Through the correlation analysis, the result shows that the type of crisis is the primary factor that makes the difference of hot words distribution. Besides that, the authenticity and emotion of crisis information are the most important 2 core elements of positive online information dissemination. The harmfulness of crisis, the clear crisis responsibility and authoritative media participation also can enhance the positive impact on the dissemination of positive online information. However, it is not related to the frequency of similar crises and the participation of social media users. For this reason, we made the suggestions on strengthening the propagation force of the positive online information.
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