

主題關鍵詞:集體行動演化博弈獵鹿模型數值仿真Collective actionEvolutionary gameStag hunt modelNumerical simulation
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At present,Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is facing the plight of environmental externalities and collective action on the haze control problem. The root of the problem lies in the fact that as a member of the haze cooperative governance,the benefit of local government is asymmetrical. Fragmented the link between benefits and losses of collection action to correct the environmental externality is a kind of market failure replaced by government failure. The logic of Olsen’s collective action is manifested as a dynamic repetitive game of private rationality and collective rationality in the implementation of the haze cooperative governance in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. In view of the collective action of air pollution joint control in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei,this paper constructs stag hunt model to study government’s implementation strategy of haze cooperation governance by means of evolutionary research tools. The game process is divided into evolutionary,stochastic and dynamic three stages,which explores the behavioral characteristics and influencing factors of local governments in collective action of Haze control. According to the replicator of dynamic equation,the evolution of participant’s behavior and evolutionary stable strategy are discussed. The numerical simulation method is used to analyze the evolutionary trends and evolution equilibrium of the system under different situations. Model estimates indicate that the evolutionary equilibrium state of the system influenced by stochastic factors and the dynamic equilibrium mechanism achieve the multiregional environmental cooperation alliance. A general finding is that the dynamic evolution of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei in the implementation of haze cooperative governance is largely dependent on the ratio of free rid income to collective action income and the environmental preference coefficient of the district in the region as a whole. Therefore,it is necessary for central government to improve the cross-regional environmental law system,establish a consistent regional environmental quality standard,and reduce the gain of local government’s free ride. More importantly,the coercive and selective incentives thatconstrain local government to take responsibility of environmental governance should be determined in the form of legislation. In addition,the economic losses caused by haze should be bringing into the local officials ’performance appraisal system. The central government should strengthen the supervision when local governments conductair pollution control in order to achievethe Pareto improvement of collective action during the course of haze cooperative governance.
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