

主題關鍵詞:氣候變化跨國伙伴關系全球治理非國家行為體巴黎協定Climate changeTransnational partnershipGlobal governanceNon-state actorThe Paris Agreement
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The Paris Agreement establishes a‘bottom-up’approach of mitigation path for global climate governance and also mobilizes the participation of various actors. In general,future climate process will be more conducive to the development of emerging governing models such as transnational climate partnerships. This is because non-state actors have an irreplaceable role not only in agenda setting,transparency,implementation and representation of stakeholders,but also are good at short-term localized projects. In this paper,from the perspective of transnational actors,it analyzes the impact of partnership,its legitimacy and effectiveness. The basic conclusions are as follows:(1)the internal logic of the Paris Agreement will help transnational partnerships play more important roles;(2)there is a rapid trend that transnational partnerships in international climate governance move on the institutional path;(3)publicprivate partnerships may strengthen climate governance in terms of legitimacy and effectiveness;(4)non-state actors are in the process of shaping networks,so NGO coalition and spillovers are more convenient. There are some good insights for China’s participation in the future:(1)to re-examine the role of non-state actors in climate governance;(2)China could carry out experimental climate cooperation through progressive engagement with some well-established partnerships;(3)domestically,in the collaboration,China thus may improve its climate governance and achieve mutual gains particularly for Chinese cities;(4)internationally,to use the advantages of non-state actors to promote China’s South-South climate cooperation initiatives and the implementation of related projects.
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