

書刊名:廣西民族大學學報 (哲學社會科學版) 
主題關鍵詞:道路人類學川藏公路魯朗旅遊中心化Road anthropologySichuan-Tibet HighwayLulang CommunityTourism centralization
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From the perspective of road anthropology and taking Sichuan-Tibet Highway and Lulang Community as examples, this paper which is based on fieldwork discusses the interaction between road and community in the context of tourism, and analyzes the impacts of road change on the local communities along the route and how peripheral areas can get involved in globalization and modernization by means of road change, so as to seek the basic logic of de-marginalization in remote communities.It believes that Sichuan-Tibet Highway has realized a transition of significance and function reconfiguration under the background of tourism development.The relationship between road and community has extended to the symbiotic relationship of landscape space, as well as the relationship of intergrowth development.The communities have been included in the road tourism, which leads to the tourism connection and promotes communities to transform from passive involvement to proactive participation, from one-way development to multimodernization.Relying on the trunk road, Lulang Community has entered the discourse of national policy and constructed political connection.Meanwhile, marginal communities have also achieved "tourism centralization" and de-marginalization in virtue of Sichuan-Tibet Highway.
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