

主題關鍵詞:沉船景德鎮明代民窯青花瓷ShipwrecksJingdezhenCivilian kilns of the Ming DynastyBlue-and-White porcelain
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This paper analyzes the Ming blue-and-white porcelain of Jingdezhen Civilian Kilns excavated from shipwrecks. The author categories the porcelain assemblages into six groups. By synthesizing with other kiln sites, residential sites, storages, tombs, and other porcelains with specific chronological records,the author suggests the absolute date of each group is as follows: Early and Middle Ming(about Middle 15th century), first half of Middle Ming(about Late 15th century), second half of Middle Ming(about Early 16th century), first half of Middle-Late Ming(Middle 16th century), second half of Middle-Late Ming(Late 16th century), and Late Ming Dynasty(Early 17th century).
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