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Western communication is inevitably confined in the shadow of ancient Greek thoughts. This huge‘shadow’is rationality. The binary opposition of the rational and the non-rational rooted in westerners’ understanding of communication problems,deepened the understanding of communication elements,meanwhile obscured the contextuality, historicality, integrality and inter-subjectivity inherent in communication. In the process of the ancient Greek rhetorical tradition turning to scientific thoughts,a kind of persuasion model with obvious manipulation formed,and the closely reciprocal connection between soul and soul was lost. At the methodological level,Aristotle ’s instrumentalist tradition has always influenced the study of social science and mainstream communication studies. The ancient Greek thoughts constituted the indigenization of the thought resources of western communication,revealed the inner mind of western communication studies,and profoundly showed the "involution"of thoughts.
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25.Cunningham, Stanley B.(1999)。Getting it right: Aristotle's 'Golden Mean' as Theory Deterioration。Journal of Mass Media Ethics,14(1),5-15。  new window
26.Wyatt, Wendy N.(2008)。Being Aristotelian: Using Virtue Ethics in an Applied Media Ethics Course。Journal Of Mass Media Ethics,23(4),296-307。  new window
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28.Conley, Thomas M.(1979)。The Greekless Reader and Aristotle's Rhetoric。Quarterly Journal of Speech,65(1),74-79。  new window
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