

主題關鍵詞:環境教育知識圖譜CiteSpaceEnvironmental educationKnowledge map
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Environmental education is an important way to help citizens to develop pro-environmental behavior and enhance their ability of environmental action. It is also significant to alleviate environmental problems and promote the construction of ecological civilization. In this paper, through the information visualization software, we use foreign environmental education research literature to draw the knowledge map of this field since 2000, and analyze and interpret it. It is found that the research of foreign environmental education in the 21 st century mainly includes four major subject areas: ontology knowledge research of environmental protection, value orientation research of environmental protection, environmental education measurement and evaluation research, environmental behavior research. The following four topics are hot in current research, which are pro-environmental behavior, environmental action competence, connection with nature and children’s environmental education.
1.Ballantyne, R.、Packer, J.(2005)。Promoting environmentally sustainable attitudes and behaviour through free-choice learning experiences: What is the state of the game?。Environmental Education Research,11(3),281-295。  new window
2.Chawla, Louise、Cushing, Debra F.(2007)。Education for strategic environmental behavior。Environmental Education Research,13(4),437-452。  new window
3.Ewert, A.、Place, G.、Sibthorp, J.(2005)。Early-life outdoor experiences and an individual's environmental attitudes。Leisure Sciences,27(3),225-239。  new window
4.Davis, J. M.(2009)。Revealing the research 'hole' of early childhood education for sustainability: A preliminary survey of the literature。Environmental Education Research,15(2),227-241。  new window
5.Heimlich, J. E.、Ardoin, N. M.(2008)。Understanding behavior to understand behavior change: a literature review。Environmental Education Research,14(3),215-237。  new window
6.Heimlich, J. E.(2010)。Environmental education evaluation: Reinterpreting education as a strategy for meeting mission。Evaluation and Program Planning,33(2),180-185。  new window
7.陳悅、陳超美、劉則淵、胡志剛、王賢文(2015)。CiteSpace知識圖譜的方法論功能。科學學研究,33(2),242-253。  延伸查詢new window
8.Mogensen, F.、Schnack, K.(2010)。The action competence approach and the 'new' discourses of education for sustainable development, competence and quality criteria。Environmental Education Research,16(1),59-74。  new window
9.Johnson, B.、Manoli, C. C.(2011)。The 2-MEV scale in the United States: A measure of children's environmental attitudes based on the theory of ecological attitude。The Journal of Environmental Education,42(2),84-97。  new window
10.黃宇、姚云、李雪瑩(2016)。關於我國中學生環境教育的思考。環境教育,2016(3),43-46。  延伸查詢new window
11.王民、蔚東英、霍志玲(2006)。論環境教育與可持續發展教育。北京師範大學學報(社會科學版),2006(3),131-136。  延伸查詢new window
12.宋海鷗、毛應淮(2011)。國外環境治理措施的階段性演變:工業污染治理--以美、英、日三國為例。科技管理研究,2011(15),45-49。  延伸查詢new window
13.王民(2016)。對我國環境教育發展歷程的思考。環境教育,2016(7),58-60。  延伸查詢new window
14.王燕津(2003)。「環境教育」概念演進的探尋與透析。比較教育研究,2003(1),18-22。  延伸查詢new window
15.Hacking, E. Barratt、Barratt, R.、Scott, W.(2007)。Engaging children: research issues around participation and environmental learning。Environmental Education Research,13(4),529-544。  new window
16.Bonnett, M.(2007)。Environmental education and the issue of nature。The Journal of Curriculum Studies,39(6),707-721。  new window
17.Kopnina, H.(2012)。Education for sustainable development (ESD): the turn away from 'environment' in environmental education?。Environmental Education Research,18(5),699-712。  new window
18.Bamberg, S.、Möser, G.(2007)。Twenty years after Hines, Hungerford, and Tomera: A new meta-analysis of psycho-social determinants of pro-environmental behaviour。Journal of Environmental Psychology,27(1),14-25。  new window
19.Cheng, C. H.、Monroe, M. C.(2012)。Connection to nature: children's affective attitude toward nature。Environment & Behavior,44(1),31-49。  new window
20.Ernst, J.、Theimer, S.(2011)。Evaluating the effects of environmental education programming on connectedness to nature。Environmental Education Research,17(5),577-598。  new window
21.Negev, M.、Sagy, G.、Garb, Y.(2008)。Evaluating the environmental literacy of Israeli elementary and high school students。Journal of Environmental Education,39(2),3-20。  new window
22.Misra, A. K.、Verma, M.(2015)。Impact of environmental education on mitigation of carbon dioxide emissions: A modelling study。International Journal of Global Warming,7(4),466-486。  new window
23.Jickling, B.、Wals, A. E. J.(2008)。Globalization and environmental education: looking beyond sustainable development。Curriculum Studies,40(1),1-21。  new window
24.Wals, A. E. J.(2010)。Between knowing what is right and knowing that is it wrong to tell others what is right: on relativism, uncertainty and democracy in environmental and sustainability education。Environmental Education Research,16(1),143-151。  new window
25.Jensen, Bjarne B.、Schnack, Karsten(1997)。The Action Competence Approach in Environmental Education。Environmental Education Research,3(2),163-178。  new window
26.Nisbet, E. K. L.、Zelenski, J. M.、Murphy, S. A.(2009)。The nature relatedness scale: Linking individuals' connection with nature to environmental concern and behavior。Environment and Behavior,41(5),715-740。  new window
27.Kollmuss, Anja、Agyeman, Julian(2002)。Mind the Gap: Why Do People Act Environmentally and What Are the Barriers to Pro-environmental Behavior?。Environmental Education Research,8(3),239-260。  new window
1.陳悅、陳超美、劉則淵、胡志剛、王賢文(2014)。引文空間分析原理與應用--CiteSpace實用指南。北京:科學出版社。  延伸查詢new window
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