

主題關鍵詞:老年人家庭代際支持心理健康認知評價ElderlyFamilyIntergenerational supportMental healthCognitive evaluation
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Based on 2014 China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey,this paper explores the effects ofthe "giving" behavior by the elderly on their mental health by using linear regression models,and discusses the moderating effect of cognitive evaluation on the relationship of the support behavior andmental health.The results show that the financial support and housework support for adult children arepositively correlated with mental health of the Chinese older parents,but those supports demonstratenegative effects on their mental health if the supports are evaluated to be demanded excessively by theelderly.For the urban elderly,the evaluation of excessive demands by the elderly significantly moderatesthe effects of grandchildren caring on mental health,while for the rural elderly,the moderating role isfound to be prominent on the relationship between financial support and mental health.The results alsosupport the "ABC Emotion Theory".Therefore,in the background of active ageing and improving olderpersons role in family,it is important to alleviate the burden of grandchildren caring of the urban elderlyand the burden of financial support of the rural elderly in order to maintain their mental health.
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