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數據新聞創設了一種通往現實認知的新的"視覺框架"(visual frame),由此引申出框架分析中一個亟待突破的理論命題——"視覺框架分析"(visual framing analysis)。在西方數據新聞的涉華報道中,"視覺框架"的生產本質上取決于五種具體的內在關聯的修辭實踐——數據修辭、關系修辭、時間修辭、空間修辭和交互修辭。正是在西方話語極為隱蔽的視覺"標出"行為中,中國在視覺意義上被推向海德格爾特別批判的"異化的共在"狀態,并最終被建構為全球語境中的"數據他者"(the data other)。這一過程既是在數據維度上展開的,又是通過視覺修辭實踐(visual rhetorics)完成的。
Data journalism has established a new visual frame that leads our cognition. In reports on China,the production of the visual frame depends particularly on five rhetorical practices,including data rhetoric,relation rhetoric,time rhetoric,space rhetoric,and interaction rhetoric. Just by ‘visual marked’process,China,along the dimension of data,has been constructed as ‘data other’in the global discursive context.Such a process has been going on not only along the dimension of data,but also through the practice of visual rhetoric. From‘verbal frame’of traditional journalism to ‘visual frame’of data journalism,a new form of power,namely data power,has to be highlighted,which has been explored and practiced by western media.
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