

主題關鍵詞:知識共享社會網絡結構企業Knowledge sharingSocial network structureEnterprises
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【Purpose/significance】It is significant for improving the knowledge sharing among enterprises to solve the debate on which network structure is the best.【Method/process】In this paper, some literatures are summarized from four aspects, i.e. the important role of social network structure on knowledge sharing, impacts of the structural features of socialnetwork on knowledge sharing, impacts of the structural forms of social network on knowledge sharing, and the aspects af-fecting the evolution of social network structure.【Result/conclusion】It is pointed that the source of the debate is from thehypothesis that the social network structure is exogenous. Furthermore, it tends to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages only simply based on physical forms of a network structure. Therefore, this paper argues that the future research perspec-tive requires a combination of internal and external structure. In particular, the social property of the enterprise social net-work, and the matching-relationship between the stage of knowledge sharing and forms of network structure, should be taking into account. By these, it is helpful to solve the dispute.
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