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1.Balsmeier, P. W.、Voisin, W. J.(1996)。Supply chain management: A time-based strategy。Industrial Management,38(5),24-27。  new window
2.Cooper, J. C.(1993)。Logistics Strategies for Global Businesses。International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management,23(4),12-23。  new window
3.Collins, Tony(1999)。Striking it big together。Supply Management,4(18),28-30。  new window
4.Tan, K. C.、Kannan, V. R.、Handfield, R. B.、Ghosh, S.(1999)。Supply chain management: an empirical study of its impact on performance。International Journal of Operations & Production Management,19(10),1034-1052。  new window
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10.Maloni, M. J.、Benton, W. C.(1997)。Supply Chain Partnerships: Opportunities for Operations Research。European Journal of Operational Research,101(3),419-429。  new window
11.Carter, J. R.、Ferrin, B. G.(1995)。The Impact of Transportation Costs on Supply Chain Management。Journal of Business Logistics,16(1),189-212。  new window
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13.Morash, E. A.、Droege, C. L. M.、Vickery, S. K.(1996)。Strategic logistics capabilities for competitive advantage and firm success。Journal of Business Logistics,17(1),1-22。  new window
14.Fawcett, S. E.、Stanley, L. L.、Smith, S. R.(1997)。Developing a logistics capability to improve the performance of international operations。Journal of Business Logistics,18(2),101-127。  new window
15.Beamon, B. M.(1998)。Supply Chain Design and Analysis: Models and Methods。International Journal of Production Economics,55(3),281-294。  new window
16.Neely, A.、Gregory, M.、Platts, K.(1995)。Performance measurement system design。International Journal of Operations and Production Management,15(4),80-116。  new window
17.Lambert, Douglas M.、Cooper, Martha C.、Pagh, Janus D.(1998)。Supply chain management: implementation issues and research opportunities。The International Journal of Logistics Management,9(2),1-20。  new window
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23.Battaglia, G. F.、Carter, J. R.(1994)。The impact of Transportation Cost and Supply Chain Management。Journal of Business Logistics,16(1),189-212。  new window
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33.Lawrence, F. B.(1999)。Closing the Logistics Loop: A Tutorial。Production and Inventory Management Journal,19(2),43-51。  new window
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35.Metters, Richard(1996)。Quantifying the Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains。Journal of Operations Management,15(1),89-100。  new window
36.Salcedo, S.、Grackin, A.(2000)。The e-Value Chain。Supply Chain Management Review,17,63-70。  new window
37.Taniguchi, E.、Noritake, M.、Yamada, T.、Izumitani, T.(1999)。Optimal size and Location Planning of Public Logistics Terminals。Transportation Research Part E,35(3),207-222。  new window
38.Ellram, Lisa M.(1991)。Supply-Chain Management: The Industrial Organization Perspective。International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management,21(1),13-22。  new window
39.Cooper, Martha C.、Lambert, Douglas M.、Pagh, Janus D.(1997)。Supply Chain Management: More Than a New Name for Logistics。The International Journal of Logistics Management,8(1),1-14。  new window
40.Mentzer, John T.、DeWitt, William、Keebler, James S.、Min, Soonhong、Nix, Nancy W.、Smith, Carlo D.、Zacharia, Zach G.(2001)。Defining Supply Chain Management。Journal of Business Logistics,22(2),1-25。  new window
41.Vickery, Shawnee、Calantone, Roger、Droge, Cornelia(1999)。Supply chain flexibility: An empirical study。Journal of Supply Chain Management,35(2),16-24。  new window
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43.Banerjee, Avijit(1986)。A joint economic-lot-size model for purchaser and vendor。Decision Sciences,17(3),292-311。  new window
44.Anderson, Eugene W.、Fornell, Claes、Lehmann, Donald R.(1994)。Customer satisfaction, market share, and profitability: Findings from Sweden。Journal of Marketing,58(3),53-66。  new window
45.Lewis, Ira、Talalayevsky, Alexander(1997)。Logistics and Information Technology: A Coordination Perspective。Journal of Business Logistics,18(1),141-157。  new window
46.Andel, T.(1997)。Information Supply Chain: Set and Get Your Goals。Transportation & Distribution,38(2),33-36。  new window
47.Levy, David L.(1995)。International Sourcing and Supply Chain Stability。Journal of International Business Studies,26(2),343-360。  new window
1.Ross, David F.(1997)。Competing Through Supply Chain Management: Creating Market-Winning Strategies Through Supply Chain Partnerships。London:Chapman & Hall。  new window
2.Christopher, Martin L.(1992)。Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Strategies for Reducing Costs and Improving Services。London:Pitman。  new window
3.經濟部商業司(2000)。電子商務年鑑。  延伸查詢new window
4.Bowersox, D. J.、David, J. C.(1996)。Logistic Management: The Integrated Supply Chain Process。  new window
5.Christopher, M.(1993)。Logistics and Supply Chain Management。London:Pitman。  new window
6.Lambert, Douglas M.、Stock, James R.(1993)。Strategic Logistics Management。London:Pitman。  new window
7.Frazelle, Edward H.(2002)。Supply Chain Strategy: The Logistics of Supply Chain Management。London:Pitman。  new window
8.Johnson, J.、Wood, D.(1996)。Contemporary logistics。London:Pitman。  new window
9.Markland, R. E.、Vickery, S. K.、Davis, R. A.(1995)。Operations Management Concepts in Manufacturing and Services。London:Pitman。  new window
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