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1.黃乃熒(20010700)。學校行政瘋狂行為實際之探究:以國民中學為例。教育研究集刊,47,215-251。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.Cuban, L.(2013)。Why so many structural changes in schools and so little reform in teaching practice?。Journal of Educational Administration,51(2),109-125。  new window
3.Eagan, J. L.(2009)。The deformation of de-centered subjects: Foucault and postmodern public administration。International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior,12(1),141-162。  new window
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4.Gutting, G.(1989)。Michel Foucault's Archaeology of Scientific Reason。Cambridge University Press。  new window
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13.Foucault, M.(1979)。Discipline and punish。New York:Vintage。  new window
14.Kristeva, J.(1984)。Revolution in poetic language。New York:Columbia University Press。  new window
15.Foucault, M.、Howard, R.(1979)。Madness and civilization。London:Tavistock。  new window
16.Foucault, Michel、Gordon, C.、Marshall, L.、Mephram, J.、Soper, K.(1980)。Knowledge/power: Selected interviews and other writings。New York:Panthon Press。  new window
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22.Luhmann, Niklas(1990)。Essays on Self-Reference。New York:Columbia University。  new window
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25.Foucault, Michel(1990)。The will to truth。New York:Routledge。  new window
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1.Oliver, Kelly(1983)。Introduction: Julia Kristeva's outlaw ethics。Ethics, politics, and difference in Julia Kristeva's writings。New York, NY:Routledge。  new window
2.Caputo, J.、Yount, M.(1993)。Institutions, normalization, and power。Foucault and the critique of institutions。University Park, Pennsylvania:The Pennsylvania State University Press。  new window
3.Edelstein, M.(1983)。Kristeva's politics of change: Tracking essentialism with the help of a sex/gender map。Ethics, politics, and difference in Julia Kristeva writing。New York:Routledge。  new window
4.黃乃熒(2014)。後現代教育行政。後現代教育與發展。臺北:高等教育。  延伸查詢new window
5.Samier, E. A.、Bates, R. J.、Stanley, A.(2006)。Foundations and history of the social Aesthetic。Aesthetic dimensions of educational administration and leadership。New York:Routledge。  new window
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