

題名:「兄弟」登山 臺韓各自努力
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1.葉萬安(19941000)。匯率、貿易自由化與產業結構調整。自由中國之工業,82(4),1-8。  延伸查詢new window
2.Chu, Yun-Peng(1994)。Taiwan's External Imbalance and Structural Adjustment: A General Equilibrium Analysis。Asian Economic Journal,8,85-114。  new window
3.Chu, Yun-Peng(2001)。Equalization Effects of the Expansion of Labor-Intensive Exports: The Case of Taiwan。The Developing Economies,39(3),235-266。  new window
4.朱雲鵬、徐明宜(20020400)。臺灣與各主要經濟體研發投入之比較。國家政策論壇,2(4),181-190。  延伸查詢new window
5.吳家興(20040600)。韓國經濟改革對我國啟示。韓國學報,18,150-163。new window  延伸查詢new window
6.蔡增家(20080400)。政府主導與經濟發展:金大中時期南韓大企業改革之分析。全球政治評論,22,1-31。new window  延伸查詢new window
7.南方朔(20080100)。CEO李明博從治市到治國--評介《總經理治國:南韓總統李明博的視野與格局》。財訊,310,306-307。  延伸查詢new window
8.Putnam, Robert D.(1995)。Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital。Journal of Democracy,6(1),65-78。  new window
9.Hamilton, G. G.、Feenstra, R.、Choe, W.、Kim, C. K.、Lim, E. M.(2000)。Neither States Nor Markets: The Role of Economic Organization in Asian Development。International Sociology,15(2),288-305。  new window
1.林金源、朱雲鵬(2001)。臺灣早期外匯制度改革的背景及決策過程:水到渠成還是臨門一腳?。第二屆實證經濟研討會,成功大學 。  延伸查詢new window
2.Schive, Chi(2001)。Development of a Market Economy in Taiwan。The Seminar on Taiwan's Economic Development in memory of Mu-Hwan Hsing,Organized by The Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica 。Taipei。  new window
3.蔡增家(2005)。管制、自由化與再管制:2000年之後臺灣與南韓政經轉型的比較。2005年中國政治學會年會。臺北:中央研究院歐美研究所。  延伸查詢new window
4.王振寰(2005)。從科技學習到科技創新的不同途徑:南韓、臺灣與中國。2005臺灣社會學年會,國立臺北大學 。  延伸查詢new window
1.陳思宇(1999)。台灣區生產事業管理委原會與經濟發展策略(1949-1953)--以公營事業為中心的探討(碩士論文)。國立政治大學,臺北。  延伸查詢new window
2.吳若予(1992)。戰後臺灣公營事業之政經分析(碩士論文)。國立臺灣大學。  延伸查詢new window
1.Peng, Ming-min(1972)。A Taste of Freedom: Memoirs of a Formosan Independence Leader。New York:Holt, Rhinehart and Winston。  new window
2.Kerr, George H.(1992)。Formosa Betrayed。Taiwan Publishing Co.。  new window
3.Haggard, Stephan(1990)。Pathways from the periphery。Ithaca, NY:Cornell University Press。  new window
4.楊艾俐(1998)。IC教父--張忠謀的策略傳奇。台北市:天下雜誌。  延伸查詢new window
5.Kong, T. Y.(2000)。The Politics of Economic Reform in South Korea: A Fragile Miracle。London:Routledge。  new window
6.Woo, J. E.(1991)。Race to the Swift: state and finance in Korean Industrialization。New York, NY:Columbia University Press。  new window
7.蕭峰雄(2001)。我國產業政策與產業發展。臺北:植根雜誌社。  延伸查詢new window
8.張駿(19870201)。創造財經奇蹟的人。臺北:傳記文學出版社。  延伸查詢new window
9.王昭明(1995)。王昭明回憶錄。台北:時報文化。  延伸查詢new window
10.楊艾俐(1989)。孫運璿傳。台北:天下雜誌出版社。  延伸查詢new window
11.Johnson, C. A.(1982)。MITI and the Japanese Miracle。Stanford, California:Stanford University Press。  new window
12.林濁水(2009)。歷史劇場:痛苦執政八年。臺北:INK印刻文學生活雜誌出版社。  延伸查詢new window
13.Mathews, John A.、Cho, Dong-Sung、Ravenhill, J.(2000)。Tiger Technology: The Creation of a Semiconductor Industry in East Asia。Cambridge University Press。  new window
14.Fields, Karl J.(1995)。Enterprise and the State in Korea and Taiwan。Ithaca, New York:Cornell University Press。  new window
15.賴澤涵(1994)。「二二八事件」研究報告。臺北:時報文化。  延伸查詢new window
16.黃煌雄(1992)。蔣渭水傳。臺北:前衛出版社。  延伸查詢new window
17.程玉鳳、程玉凰(1988)。資源委員會技術人員赴美實習史料--民國三十一年會派。國史館。  延伸查詢new window
18.吳家興(2005)。韓國的經濟發展與政策。臺北:臺灣商務印書館股份有限公司。  延伸查詢new window
19.Haggard, Stephan、Mo, Jongryn(2000)。The Political Economy of the Asian Financial Crisis。Washington, DC:Institute for International Economics。  new window
20.工商時報(1982)。財經政策大辯論。臺北:時報文化。  延伸查詢new window
21.王作榮(1999)。壯志未酬。臺北:天下文化。  延伸查詢new window
22.矢內原忠中雄、周憲文(1999)。帝國主義下之臺灣。臺北:南天。  延伸查詢new window
23.尹仲容(1963)。我對臺灣經濟發展的看法。臺北:美援會。  延伸查詢new window
24.李國鼎(1997)。我的臺灣經驗。臺北:天下文化。  延伸查詢new window
25.施振榮(2000)。再造的時機與流程。臺北:大塊文化。  延伸查詢new window
26.黃智賢(2004)。戰慄的未來:解構台灣新獨裁。臺北:米羅文化。  延伸查詢new window
27.黃智賢(2004)。這樣選總統可以嗎?。臺北:民主行動聯盟。  延伸查詢new window
28.Pang, Chien-kuo(1991)。State and Economic Transformation: The Taiwan Case。New York:Garland Publishing Inc。  new window
29.李明博(2007)。總經理治國。臺北:商周出版社。  延伸查詢new window
30.李明博(2008)。經營未來--李明博自傳。北京:人民出版社。  延伸查詢new window
31.彭慧鸞(2008)。蕃薯與泡菜:亞洲雙龍--臺韓經驗比較。台北:亞太文化基金會。  延伸查詢new window
32.李明博(2008)。1%的可能:韓國首爾--李明博的夢想。臺北:達觀出版社。  延伸查詢new window
33.蔡增家(2005)。政府、大企業與銀行:南韓政經體制的轉變(1993-2003)。臺北:巨流出版社。  延伸查詢new window
34.Amsden, A.(1989)。Asia's Next Giant: the South Korea and Late Industrialization。New York:Oxford University Press。  new window
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37.Evans, Peter B.(1995)。Embedded Autonomy: States and Industrial Transformation。Princeton, New Jersey:Princeton University Press。  new window
38.龐建國(1993)。國家發展理論:兼論臺灣發展經驗。臺北:巨流圖書股份有限公司。  延伸查詢new window
39.Woo-Cumings, Meredith(1999)。The Developmental State。Cornell University Press。  new window
40.Dedrick, Jason、Kraemer, Kenneth L.(1998)。Asia's Computer Challenge: Threat or Opportunity for the United States and the World?。Oxford University Press。  new window
41.Kim, Linsu S.(1997)。Imitation to Innovation: The Dynamics of Korea's Technological Learning。Harvard Business School Press。  new window
42.Wade, Robert(1990)。Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government in East Asian Industrialiation。Princeton University Press。  new window
43.Kim, E. M.(1998)。The four Asian tigers : Economic development and the global political economy。San Diego, CA:Academic Press。  new window
1.經建會經濟研究處(2008)。韓國經濟現況與新總統的新政策分析。  延伸查詢new window
1.林博文(20100728)。阿富汗戰爭揭密掀震撼。  延伸查詢new window
2.詹小洪(2008)。韓國教育如何改造『英語難民』。  延伸查詢new window
1.Fei, John C. H.、Chu, Yun-Peng(1999)。Liberalization Promotes Development: Evidence from Taiwan。Taiwan's Development Experience: Lessons on Roles of Government and Market。Boston:Kluwer Academic Publishers。  new window
2.Haggard, Stephan(1988)。The Politics of Industrialization in the Republic of Korea and Taiwan。Achieving Industrialization in East Asia。Cambridge:Cambridge University Press。  new window
3.Chu, Yun-Peng(2006)。The Political Economy of Taiwan's High-Tech Industrialization: the Developmental State and its Mutinous Mutation。The East Asian High-Tech Drive。Edward Egar。  new window
4.朱雲鵬(2010)。後金融海嘯時代政府應有之角色。險渡金融海嘯:臺灣經濟未來該怎麼走?。臺北:天下文化。  延伸查詢new window
5.何俊輝(1999)。亞太營運中心計畫正在影響著我們的下一代--寫在跨入21世紀之前。亞太營運中心計畫四週年特刊。  延伸查詢new window
6.Chen, Chau-Nan、Chu, Yun-Peng(1999)。Growth and Changes in Inequality in Labor-Absorbing Economies。The Political Economy of Comparative Development into the 21st Century。London:Edward Elgar。  new window
7.Chu, Yun-Peng(2001)。Liberalization Policies since the 1980s。Taiwan's Economic Success since 1980。London:Edward Elgar。  new window
8.Chu, Yun-Peng(2001)。The Financial Crisis: Taiwan and Asia。The Social Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis。London:Edward Elgar。  new window
9.Cook, P.、Kirkpatrick, C. H.、Nixson, F. I.(1998)。Privatization, Enterprise Development and Economic Reform: Experiences of Developing and Transitional Economies。Privatization, Enterprise Development and Economic Reform。Cheltenham:Edward Elgar。  new window
10.Johnson, Chalmers(1987)。Political institutions and economic performance: The government-business relationship in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan。The Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism。Cornell University Press。  new window
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