

書刊名:亞/美之間:亞美文學在臺灣;梁一萍 (主編)
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1.李鴻瓊(20110600)。共在虛實間:論朱天心〈古都〉中的記憶與共群。文山評論:文學與文化,4(2),1-29。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.Adams, Rachel(2007)。The Ends of America, the Ends of Postmodernism。Twentieth-Century Literature,53(3),248-272。  new window
3.Chuh, Candice(2006)。Of Hemispheres and Other Spheres: Navigating Karen Tei Yamashita's Literary World。American Literary History,18,618-637。  new window
4.Coward, Martin(2005)。The Globalization of Encounter Interrogating the Geopolitics of Empire。Third World Quarterly,26(6),855-871。  new window
5.Dyer-Witheford, Nick(2001)。The New Combinations: Revolt of the Global Value。CR: The New Centennial Review,1(3),155-200。  new window
6.Glixman, Elizabeth P.(2007)。An Interview with Karen Tei Yamashita。Reviews & Interviews。  new window
7.Lemke, Thomas(2001)。'The Birth of Bio-politics': Michel Foucault's Lecture at the College de France on Neo-liberal Governmentality。Economy and Society,30(2),190-207。  new window
8.Lee, Erika(2005)。Orientalism in the Americas: A Hemispheric Approach to Asian American History。Journal of Asian American Studies,8(3),235-256。  new window
9.Wallace, Molly(2001)。Tropics of Globalization: Reading the North America。Symploke,9(1/2),145-160。  new window
10.張淑麗(20100600)。眾聲喧嘩時的「非常」與「日常」--莎娣‧史密斯的《白牙》與倫理的偶然與必然。英美文學評論,16,23-53。new window  延伸查詢new window
11.廖詩文(20040100)。末世天使城的魔幻想像:「橘子回歸線」中的洛城、移民與跨界。中外文學,32(8)=380,55-76。new window  延伸查詢new window
1.Yamashita, Karen Tei(1997)。Tropic of Orange。Minneapolis:Coffee House Press。  new window
2.Arrighi, Giovanni、Hopkins, Terence K.、Wallerstein, Immanuel(1989)。Antisystemic Movements。Verso Press。  new window
3.Foucault, Michel、Burchell, Graham(2008)。The Birth of Biopolitics:Lectures at the College de France, 1978-1979。New York:Palgrave Macmillan。  new window
4.Dirlik, Arif(2007)。Global Modernity: Modernity in the Age of Global Capitalism。Paradigm Publishers。  new window
5.Hardt, Michael、Negri, Antonio(2004)。Multitude。New York:The Penguin Press。  new window
6.Žižek, Slavoj(1999)。The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Center of Political Ontology。Verso。  new window
7.Baudrillard, Jean、Glaser, Sheila Faria(1994)。Simulacra and Simulation。University of Michigan Press。  new window
8.Lionnet, Françoise、Shih, Shu-mei(2005)。Minor Transnationalism。Durham:Duke UP。  new window
9.Anzaldua, Gloria E.(2007)。Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestizo。San Francisco:Aunt Lute Books。  new window
10.Dunn, Timothy J.(1996)。The Militarization of the U.S. Mexico Border, 1978-1992: Low Intensity Conflict Doctrine Comes Home。Austin, TX:CMAS Books。  new window
11.Grewal, Inderpal(2005)。Transnational America: Feminism, Diasporas, Neoliberalisms。Durham:Duke UP。  new window
12.Gonzalez, Gilbert G.、Fernandez, Raul A.(2003)。A Century of Chicano History: Empire, Nations, and Migration。New York:Routledge。  new window
13.Sadowski-Smith, Claudia(2008)。Border Fictions: Globalization, Empire, and Writing at the Boundaries of the United States。Charlottesville:U of Virginia P。  new window
14.Levander, Caroline F.、Levine, Robert S.(2008)。Hemispheric American Studies。New Brunswick, NJ:Rutgers UP。  new window
15.Sadowski-Smith, Claudia(2002)。Globalization on the Line: Culture, Capital, and Citizenship at U. S. Borders。New York:Palgrave。  new window
16.Harvey, David(2003)。The New Imperialism。Oxford University Press。  new window
17.Lefebvre, Henri、Elden, Stuart、Moore, Gerald(2004)。Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life。Continuum。  new window
18.Foucault, Michel、Senellart, Michel、Burchell, Graham(2007)。Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the College de France, 1977-1978。Palgrave Macmillan。  new window
19.Giddens, Anthony(1990)。The Consequences of Modernity。Stanford University Press。  new window
20.Hardt, M.、Negri, A.(2000)。Empire。Harvard University Press。  new window
1.Foucault, Michel(1991)。Governmentality。The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality。Chicago:The University of Chicago Press。  new window
2.Perez-Torres, Rafael(2005)。Alternate Geographies and the Melancholy of Mestizaje。Minor Transnationalism。Durham:Duke UP。  new window
3.Rody, Caroline(2004)。The Transnational Imagination: Karen Tei Yamashita's Tropic of Orange。Asian North American Identities Beyond the Hyphen。Bloomington:Indiana UP。  new window
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