

題名:「民主不是一場遊戲」--Arizona Free Enterprise、公費競選與民主的公平
書刊名:美國最高法院重要判決之研究. 2010~2013;黃昭元 (主編)
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1.Briffault, Richard(1999)。Issue Advocacy: Redrawing the Elections/Politics Line。Texas Law Review,77(7),1751-1802。  new window
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3.Dawood, Yasmin(2008)。The Antidomination Model and the Judicial Oversight of Democracy。The Georgetown Law Journal,96(5),1411-1485。  new window
4.Gerken, Heather K.(2004)。Lost in the Political Thicket: The Court, Election Law, and the Doctrinal Interregnum。University of Pennsylvania Law Review,153,503-540。  new window
5.Charles, Guy-Uriel(2005)。Judging the Law of Politics。Michigan Law Review,103,1099-1141。  new window
6.Gerken, Heather K.(2001)。New Wine in Old Bottles: A Comment on Richard Hasen's and Richard Briffauh's Essays on Bush v. Gore。Florida State University Law Review,29,407-414。  new window
7.Ortiz, Daniel R.(2004)。Got Theory?。University of Pennsylvania Law Review,153,459-502。  new window
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9.Issacharoff, Samuel、Pildes, Richard H.(1998)。Politics as Markets: Partisan Lockups of the Democratic Process。Stanford Law Review,50(3),643-717。  new window
10.Su, Yen-Tu(2011)。Retracing Political Antitrust: A Genealogy and Its Lessons。The Journal of Law and Politics,27(1),1-62。  new window
11.Issacharoff, Samuel(2002)。Gerrymandering and Political Cartels。Harvard Law Review,116,593-648。  new window
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18.Briffault, Richard(1999)。Public Funding and Democratic Elections。University of Pennsylvania Law Review,148(2),563-590。  new window
19.Briffault, Richard(2003)。Reforming Campaign Finance Reform: A Review of Voting with Dollars。California Law Review,91(3),643-684。  new window
20.Briffault, Richard(2005)。The 527 Problem... and the Buckley Problem。George Washington Law Review,73,949-999。  new window
21.Briffault, Richard(2009)。Davis v. FEC: The Roberts Court's Continuing Attack on Campaign Finance Reform。Tulsa Law Review,44(3),475-499。  new window
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27.Dowling, Conor M.、Enos, Ryan D.、Fowler, Anthony、Panagopoulos, Costas(2012)。Does Public Financing Chill Political Speech? Exploiting a Court Injunction as a Natural Experiment。Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy,11(3),302-315。  new window
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30.Esenberg, Richard M.(2011)。Playing Out the String: Will Public Financing of Elections Survive McComish v. Bennett?。Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy,10(2),165-173。  new window
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34.Hasen, Richard L.(2008)。Beyond Incoherence: the Roberts Court's Deregulatory Turn in FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life。Minnesota Law Review,92,1064-1109。  new window
35.Hasen, Richard L.(2012)。Anticipatory Overrulings, Invitations, Time Bombs, and Inadvertence: How Supreme Court Justices Move the Law。Emory Law Journal,61,779-800。  new window
36.Hudson, Glen(2012)。Think Small: The Future of Public Financing After Arizona Free Enterprise。Wake Forest Law Review,47,413-434。  new window
37.Issacharoff, Samuel(2010)。On Political Corruption。Harvard Law Review,124,118-142。  new window
38.Jenkins, William O.、Tessin, Jeff、Ortiz, Anna Maria(2011)。GAO Response to after the GAO Report: What Do We Know about Public Election Funding?。Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy,10(3),291-296。  new window
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40.Kang, Michael S.(2010)。After Citizens United。Indiana Law Review,44,243-254。  new window
41.Kang, Michael S.(2012)。The End of Campaign Finance Law。Virginia Law Review,98,1-65。  new window
42.Katz, Ellen D.(2014)。Election Law's Lochnerian Turn。Boston University Law Review,94(3),697-709。  new window
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45.Malbin, Michael J.、Brusoe, Peter W.、Glavin, Brendan(2012)。Small Donors, Big Democracy: New York City's Matching Funds as a Model for the Nation and States。Election Law Journal,11(1),3-20。  new window
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47.Ortiz, Daniel R.(1998)。The Democratic Paradox of Campaign Finance Reform。Stanford Law Review,50,893-914。  new window
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49.Overton, Spencer(2004)。The Donor Class: Campaign Finance, Democracy, and Participation。University Pennsylvania Law Review,153,73-118。  new window
50.Overton, Spencer(2012)。Matching Political Contributions。Minnesota Law Review,96,1694-1731。  new window
51.Sample, James J.(2013)。The Last Rites of Public Campaign Financing?。Nebraska Law Review,92,349-403。  new window
52.Schauer, Frederick、Pildes, Richard H.(1999)。Election Exceptionalism and the First Amendment。Texas Law Review,77,1803-1836。  new window
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54.Sheff, Jeremy N.(2010)。The Myth of the Level Playing Field: Knowledge, Affect, and Repetition in Public Debate。Missouri Law Review,75,144-179。  new window
55.Hasen, Richard L.(2011)。Citizens united and the illusion of coherence。Michigan Law Review,109,581-624。  new window
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