

作者:賴秋琳 引用關係
作者(外文):Lai, Chiu-lin
主題關鍵詞:STEAM教育STEM教育文獻分析科技輔助教學學習策略STEAM educationSTEM educationReview analysisTechnology-enhanced learningLearning strategy
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20.Stoeger, H.、Duan, X.、Schirner, S.、Greindl, T.、Ziegler, A.(2013)。The effectiveness of a one-year online mentoring program for girls in STEM。Computers & Education,69,408-418。  new window
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23.Thibaut, L.、Knipprath, H.、Dehaene, W.、Depaepe, F.(2018)。How school context and personal factors relate to teachers' attitudes toward teaching integrated STEM。International Journal of Technology and Design Education,28(3),631-651。  new window
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27.Wladis, C.、Hachey, A. C.、Conway, K.(2015)。Which STEM majors enroll in online courses, and why should we care? The impact of ethnicity, gender, and non-traditional student characteristics。Computers & Education,87,285-308。  new window
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