

作者(外文):Shuai, Siyang
主題關鍵詞:衛三畏傳教士譯者外交翻譯早期中美關係S. Wells WilliamsMissionary translatorDiplomatic translationEarly Sino-U.S. relations
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2.Williams, Samuel Wells(1858)。Ateh's draft of Toleration Article, first form(Samuel Wells Williams Family Papers (Series 2, Box 30, Folder 4))。  new window
3.Williams, Samuel Wells(1858)。Copy of the Toleration Article in the Russian Treaty with alterations suiting it to the American Treaty(Samuel Wells Williams Family Papers (Series 2, Box 30, Folder 4))。  new window
4.Williams, Samuel Wells(1858)。Toleration Article, modifications proposed & agreed upon by deputies(Samuel Wells Williams Family Papers (Series 2, Box 30, Folder 4))。  new window
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2.A Christian Cosmopolite(18600526)。Tolerance。  new window
3.An American Missionary(18600428)。Toleration of Christianity according to the American Treaty with China。  new window
4.An American Missionary(18600609)。Toleration of Christianity。  new window
5.An American Missionary(18600811)。Reasons for objecting to a part of the wording of the Chinese text of the toleration article in the American Treaty。  new window
6.Smith, G.(18581030)。A letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury from the Bishop of Victoria。  new window
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